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My best yet...but...


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I know this might not be that great for most...but I've been playing mostly in STTs lately... dp.gif However, I'm annoyed cos the hand I went out in is below. I'll quite happily stand corrected because the guy that took me out was a big stack but calling on a spade draw, I thought was madness for 33% of his stack? - pokerroger sitting in seat 3 with $59085.00 - gritgrit sitting in seat 4 with $28075.00 - jeffers_81 sitting in seat 5 with $17985.00 [Dealer] - acehole1010 sitting in seat 6 with $19365.00 - loosy13 sitting in seat 8 with $15220.00 - BigMike4e sitting in seat 10 with $24970.00 acehole1010 posted the small blind - $600.00 loosy13 posted the big blind - $1200.00 ** Dealing card to jeffers_81: Jack of Spades, Jack of Clubs BigMike4e folded pokerroger raised - $2400.00 gritgrit folded jeffers_81 raised - $3600.00 acehole1010 folded loosy13 folded pokerroger called - $3600.00 ** Dealing the flop: 9 of Spades, 10 of Spades, 7 of Hearts pokerroger bet - $2400.00 jeffers_81 went all-in - $14385.00 pokerroger called - $14385.00 pokerroger shows: 4 of Spades, Ace of Spades ** Dealing the turn: 3 of Hearts ** Dealing the river: 7 of Spades pokerroger wins $37770.00 from the main pot

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Re: My best yet...but... Eh. We've all gone through that....the bugger who wants to gamble/knock you out, has enough chips/balls to call and does so. :( It's promising stuff, a 9th place finish out of 111th and with your own money too....probably not so good for your long-term mental health though! AAIIEE!! :eek :lol

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Re: My best yet...but... $195 is good money, think about it this way, it's bought you another 8 tournements at that price. Play them all and see what you get. Even if you don't get ITM in any of them (unlikely), you'll have vastly improved your game with this extra tournement experiance, which is priceless

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Re: My best yet...but... First of all well done mate! :clap :clap :clap Now then, I would not have even though about playing suited Ace rag at that point (although I do if I start getting card-dead), as I would have looked after my chips, played the premium hands and watched the smaller stacks pick each other off. But he did. So, my question to you is, Where you still prepared to get away from JJ post flop or was that a hand that you would have staked your tourney? For me, to a raise I would only re-raise in that fashion with AA or KK. Anything else and I'm all in or folding. The fact is had I been in that hand with that flop I have an opportunity to knock some one out AND get about 50% of chips in play. For me its a no brainer - he has to call your all in. Another thing as well mate. You know how the play loosens up when you lose half the people off an STT, so seeing as there was 6 left that may have been why he was in the hand.

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Re: My best yet...but... Intersting thoughts guys, thanks. The reason I didn't go all-in preflop (and the reason I very rarely do) is for fear of no callers. It would be a potential waste as I wouldn't expect him to call my all in with A4, and me just collect the blinds. Perhaps that's a fault of my game, seeing too many flops with good pairs. :unsure

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Re: My best yet...but... Well done Jeffers :clap Agree with you Val - the power with pocket pairs is pre-flop, at that stage 'buying the blinds' is probably worth it - gives you another go round anyway. I hate JJ and have read all sorts on how to play them. There are so many theories. :wall

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Re: My best yet...but... first off - nice result with the cash second off - u need to be more aggressive with your PP in that situation, a min raise (again) will only encourage a big stack to call and out draw you, a raise to at least 10K is in order here, with a simple shove on the flop by u for the other 50% of your stack (and a shove PF is fine as well) Don't let the big stack in for free, make them pay unlucky to get caught, but still a nice figure to add to the BR Damo

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