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Sporting Odds MTT April Leg 4


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Re: Sporting Odds MTT April Leg 4 Out in 35th. No hand all night till I fluked a straight when all in to get back to 400 then got pocket QQ next hand pushed all in against AQ and he flopped the straight. Calculator in hand and fingers crossed. Hopin for top 3 still:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT April Leg 4 Out in 19th.Trying to make a move on the Leaderboard.Guy in front who has sat out all game and survived the big blind all in(he's been calling with ace rag all ins).He raises to 800 i've AKsuited so push all in only to find out ive run into Pocket Aces.Oh well a good game and banter to match.Gl all left in still very close at the top.

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT April Leg 4

Ok Gaf im not very good with these tables but will is this correct that if schoey get 99 and elm get 2nd overall i cant get worse than 4th tonight????????????????:unsure
4th is the worst you can do as I read it at the moment (no guarantees "on the fly" like this). e4sby can do no worse than 5th.
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT April Leg 4

Elm... you owe Albinho loooots of :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer Mister origami man.... :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin Well done for staying in while he wiped everybody else out :clap :clap :clap
There's something I'D like to give to ****ing Albinho if I ever meet him....... :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ Well done guys and good luck in the 2.5k freeroll. :ok
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