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Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame


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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame Many disconnects later... out in 33rd (looks like i'll be packing this in) 2nd last hand announced QJ, but didn't go allin - folded a fullhouse. then 44 went allin and called by A5 - which turned into a fullhouse. Great fun on the freeroll. Many thanks to PR and Virgin for setting this up.

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame Out at 31 but beat the whippet worrier :lol so not all bad news :ok Got loads of ideas for whos playing who in the next team game for those of you who took chips off me :loon and GL to all, except anyone from birmingham with trip Q's and anyone within a 20 mile radius of southampton who may of knocked me out :loon :ok

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame Out after GaF kept stealing my blinds (I'll get you sometime :@ GaF) and the one time I had anything to wotk with (A 10) he has JJ. Then got my my 1st and only pp of 77 when short to mid stacked and mid position so decide to push only to run into QQ and AA. River turns up another seven for me but too late because AA has hit a flush :wall The way my lucks been going for the last few weeks I could hit AAAA and get beaten by AAAAA :(

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame Out in 28th,did get many cards all night resorted to trying to steal blinds when I got the opportunity,worked fairly well for a while,then eventually pretty much blinded out,finally went all in under the gun with 55, called by BB 9,10o he got a straight on the river.Had a good time tho,so no complaints from me.

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame

have I told you all I'm going to Paris? :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana
It was the video that sucked you in, right mate, so you became pen friends, and now she has dumped her back street boy boyfriend, you are gonna be Mr. Hilton ??? Still, with all that wedge, you can buy in direct to the WSOP, and er, spunk all darling Paris' cash on Poker ! Her Daddy will be pleased ! :loon:loon:loon
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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame 30th key hand ..mp raise 3* 1800 with a/j ...3 callers!!!! real action flop of a/q/x all clubs..... i had the jack of clubs but was 1st to act and didnt like the flop ..read aliando for a/q and other guy for draw with king clubs. aliando bets half pot and he is called....i fold and im trouble from then on as i only have 7 bb left. find a/k vs k/8 but as soon as i seen k/8 i knew the 8 would come ...waited till river though:) gg

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame

It was the video that sucked you in, right mate, so you became pen friends, and now she has dumped her back street boy boyfriend, you are gonna be Mr. Hilton ??? Still, with all that wedge, you can buy in direct to the WSOP, and er, spunk all darling Paris' cash on Poker ! Her Daddy will be pleased ! :loon:loon:loon
Jeeeezus - wrong Paris -she's not as sexy as Theirry Henry and I've heard that eating at the Hilton is not so good!:puke
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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame got dealt QQ, went all in for 9.2k after a raise by Ovalman. he calls it and showed AJos. as the community cards were dealt all I looked for was that Ace that would do me. No Ace came and for a split second the relief was overwhelming until I realised ..........................................he`d hit a straight. :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame out in 13th:cry down to 8500 on BB (which is 3000) and runadrum on SB has raised me out the last 3 times. I'm holding A8 and can't fold, and when he turned over K8 i was actually confident. but a king on the flop finished me.:eyes thank you for this great tourney, i really enjoyed myself.:ok :clap

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame

got dealt QQ, went all in for 9.2k after a raise by Ovalman. he calls it and showed AJos. as the community cards were dealt all I looked for was that Ace that would do me. No Ace came and for a split second the relief was overwhelming until I realised ..........................................he`d hit a straight. :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
You can stick your F****** Q's Stick your F****** Q's Stick your F****** Q's up your arse..............Sideways!! :rollin :rollin :rollin Oh the Irony :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame Superb nite , big thankyou to everyone involved in making this possible. Went out in 19th i think to the Silent Assassin Slapdash with this 9 8 Suited. Was great fun though , looking forward to next one immensley. Well done Fools mate great performance :clap

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