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Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame


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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame Second out. AK unsuited with a few people raising, flop was K 3 7 with a flush draw possiblility. Pot is raised and someone goes all in in front of me (can't remember who - sorry). Foolishly I go all in, although I was going to throw it (easy to say that now) Jaded turned over two pair with K3 and other raiser turned over AJ suited and caught the flush. Never mind, good luck everyone!

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame Twas Clydefrog who went in front of you, Doddsy, and ended up knocking us both out. Nothing much wrong with the way you played it IMO, I was my usual super-loose self and my original raise could have meant pretty much anything from AA to K3o. (Oh, who am I kidding - it could have meant ANYTHING!!) Clyde's all-in was something a bit under 2000 chips to pull in another 1000, and he was probably justified in hoping that even if he didn't have the flush I was bluffing. By the time it got to you the pot was getting huge, and unless you'd played with Clyde before and thought he was ultra-tight, it was IMO too big for you to lay down AK. Obviously when you were both all-in I thought I was going to roar into a chip lead with 2 pair (although KK did have me a LITTLE worried), but I probably deserved that one...

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame

:sad Never really had anything, lost out to an ace high flush which did my 2 pair and destroyed my stack. Was all-ins from there. :(
Nae luck Jeffers, if I'd had better control of me mouse you'd have been all in :loon
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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame Out in 75th. Main blow: Two pair on the flop (kings and sixes) whilst in the big blind against someone who calls my raises with four to the flush.... vorpal promptly gets the required card on the turn. I still have four outs (two kings and two sixes) but none come on the river to give me a full house. I am down to 310 chips. Finishing strike: Paul Ross raising like he's the table captain raises to 900 with JQo in late position. I have AdKd in the big blind and push all-in for 910 chips. RNG deals a jack on the flop and a queen on the turn to give Paul, two pair. Four tens means four outs to get a straight and it doesn't come. :(

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame Played loose to start and when I went to tighten up my brain didn't. K high flush taken down by A high flush for starters then my second KK taken out by trip 8's. Still a cracking freeroll! :clap

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame finished in 59th . 22 vs hmmmmmmmmm A4 ? obviously first card on the flop comes an ace . :( Can't ask for much . Requested for the bounty on my table and he duly obliged at the start LOL . Overall , a tourney i enjoyed a lot . Thanks for organising this .

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame just gone out 70th place had A9 flop comes 9 high end up all in to ovalmans Pocket Kings and im bugerd really enjoyed it ...was nice to play and relax as well cheers for ur efforts paul much appreciated :dude

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame Thats me out, not very eventful, series of situations panned out badly, found myself with 3BB's and pushed all in with Q2 in the cut off, SB had AK and that was that. GL all remaining and big thanks to Paul for organizing a fantastic event :clap

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame out in 40th.. large raise with AK, re-raised all-in by MeMeMeMe so called as I pot committed anyway. He turns over AJ and hits his one of his 3 jacks on the turn to severely cripple me. Couldn't possibly recover with the blinds so high and went out 2 hands later :( gl all left in.

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Re: Virgin Freeroll - walk of shame :clap ovalman (you git! :lol:lol:lol) - my three jacks not rich enough for his full house! apologies to Mr V :$ and a few others :$:$:$ cheers people - enjoyed that! Apologies if i didnt reply to anyone, I'm not quite quick enough to keep up with the chat all the time :$ Again :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap to PR and GaF for their work in putting this together. :ok

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