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poker.co.uk PL Series I - Leg 2 - Tonight 21:15 BST


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Re: poker.co.uk PL Series I - Leg 2 - Tonight 21:15 BST out 34th... shouldn't have played tonight as the wee one fell in the bath and split her head. My wife took her to hospital and my attention was focused elsewhere... sat out when she came back and was just about to tuck Miss Bump in when I noticed I had AK... unfortunately there was already an all-in so I thought sod it and called... needless to say another caller came in with KK up against QQ! :eek :eek :eek Never mind... hopefully back in full swing tomorrow night! Good luck to all left in. :ok

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Re: poker.co.uk PL Series I - Leg 2 - Tonight 21:15 BST :unsure Out 3rd, bit disappointed as I had a big chip lead till well into final table, great fun all night though and 3rd is a good finish after all. Well played all, good luck Valiant and Morlspin, very well played :clap :clap :cheers :cheers :cheers

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Re: poker.co.uk PL Series I - Leg 2 - Tonight 21:15 BST

Well done Morl :clap :clap And Mr V and ed for completing the podium :clap :clap Cheers GAF, had time to reflect now and I have to say I'm happy with my 3rd spot. Thoroughly enjoyable and hopefully learning more along the way. Well done Morlspin :clap and valiant :clap Cheers for a great game :ok
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Re: poker.co.uk PL Series I - Leg 2 - Tonight 21:15 BST

Jeeeeeeeeeez, been sitting here AAALLL night watching you guys, chatting to Sam... I look away for 1 second... and you're done.... :spank :spank :spank :clap :clap :clap Morls... (and you too Mister...and you three Ed):clap :clap :clap
Thanks pene ;), had a great time tonight. You were definitely looser than usual as you said but hey, all the guys like a loose woman :lol :lol :$
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Re: poker.co.uk PL Series I - Leg 2 - Tonight 21:15 BST Just to make you feel better i tossed a pair of 10s away that hand:wall :wall :wall preflop though

out in 4th' date=',,damn i should have called when i had the oppurtunity on a full house,,,thought v had higher pair and bottled it,,still good experience[/quote']
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Re: poker.co.uk PL Series I - Leg 2 - Tonight 21:15 BST Thoroughly enjoyed (and needed) that!!! Right - 2Damn :spank :rollin (my face when you showed the boat=:eek :eek :eek) Uber and PnB - well played guys - you just had the right cards at the wrong times I suppose. teaulc - Sorry mate - bad read on my part (had you on an A+ :\- maybe too many bluffs? ;) :lol) ed - I can only apologise for hitting 4 clubs to turf you out.:$ Morls - Thx mate for the game. Cracking battle that I will try to do better next time at.:notworthy And thank you ladies for doing what you do so well! Talking! :lol :lol :lol

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Re: poker.co.uk PL Series I - Leg 2 - Tonight 21:15 BST

Thanks pene ;), had a great time tonight. You were definitely looser than usual as you said but hey, all the guys like a loose woman :lol :lol :$
Well, they sure liked my chips... :lol Couldn't handle the chiplead... and all the spotlights... :unsure Really... fun trying a new style... should just have tightened up when I was on 8K... but hey... gg anyway... ;)
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Re: poker.co.uk PL Series I - Leg 2 - Tonight 21:15 BST

ed - I can only apologise for hitting 4 clubs to turf you out.:$
No problem at all Mr V, to get that far we all need the wee breaks here and there, I had my share early doors.. Had a great game, well done again :clap .. Cheers
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Re: poker.co.uk PL Series I - Leg 2 - Tonight 21:15 BST

Thanks pene ;), had a great time tonight. You were definitely looser than usual as you said but hey, all the guys like a loose woman :lol :lol :$
Is she really THAT loose??? :loon I will need a word with her :spank :spank :lol :lol :lol
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