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Poker Tracker / Poker Office - Useful, worth the expenditure ?


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Have read the thread on Poker Tracker / Poker Office..... I didnt know such programs existed, and having looked at the relevant websites, I would say Poker Office looks the better of the two. My question is, Are these programs useful / successful at what they are supposed to do, as in helping you improve your play via statistical analysis, and ultimately, are they a "nice little earner" in helping to make your poker profitable ? Any thoughts / advice appreciated...

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Re: Poker Tracker / Poker Office - Useful, worth the expenditure ? IMO if you are a cash player (on a site that supports them) then they are essential if you are serious about improving your game........ Tournaments I would say they aren't worth it. (because the dynamics of how people play changes too much - but cash games, players are so much more static and consistent) Best bet is to try them - Poker Tracker works free for 1000 hands and poker office works free for 300 hands........ With poker tracker, make sure you get gametime+ (free) which overlays live stats onto the game window for your opponents. Look at the articles here - www.bet-the-pot.com - for some great Poker Tracker info I also have a pdf book on poker tracker somewhere which I can get across to you......

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Re: Poker Tracker / Poker Office - Useful, worth the expenditure ? I prefer PokerOffice over Poker Tracker as I think that PT just goes a little too OTT with the stats for what I use. But either is certainly worth the money. However, they're only of any use really if you actually look at what they record for you (as an example, see GaF discovering that he plays TJ too often and loses $$ with it). The program itself won't tell you where you're going wrong.

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Re: Poker Tracker / Poker Office - Useful, worth the expenditure ?

(as an example' date=' see GaF discovering that he plays TJ too often and loses $$ with it). [/quote'] Agreed - I was quite good at using it before I had a big enough database - but now my database is big enough I haven't spent enough time with it........ It is useful not just for what it tells you about you though, but also for what it tells you (live) about your opponents - ESPECIALLY if you are multitabling and not being particularly observant......
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Re: Poker Tracker / Poker Office - Useful, worth the expenditure ?

wow this sounds great for me cuzz i am a cah player. I use to oberv my oponents on 5ppl tables but not really on 10. Anyway' date=' could u give me a link where i could download the pokertracker free demo version?[/quote'] Isn't compatable with Boss Media (Sporting odds) as they don't create a hand history file that the programs can use......
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