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Advice on hand


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Looking for a bit of advice on how I should have handled a situation please playing a STT last night, 4 of us left, cash for top 3. I'm 2nd place, other guy in this story in just below me in 3rd. I'm on Big Blind, with J 4 both clubs. Two fold straight away, 1 guy calls me. If he'd raised hard I'd have folded, cause my hand is sh!t, but I check to the flop. three more clubs on the flop, A K 7, I now have a made flush. He raises hard, I reraise, he calls. Turn, river are 6, 3 hearts, again we re-raise each other on the turn. At this stage I'm commited for about half of my stack, only at this point does it occur to me, he may have 2 clubs as well, inc the Queen. He may have a unbeatable nut flush:(. Just as this thought strikes me he pushes all in... What should I have done, laid down and lost half my stack and most likely gone out at the bubble, or taken the chance and called him ????

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Guest gazza271

Re: Advice on hand Yeah would have called as well, with the A and K already out and having committed most of your chips it would have put you in a healthy chip postion (assuming of course he did'nt have the Q and 1 other club)

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Re: Advice on hand I would have put them all in on the turn. Chances are they dont have a made flush too, they could have limped with a bad ace and that is why they are calling your raises, their kicker could be a club so they see that as an extra out. You have to call their all in though, with the amount of chips in the pot, if you win it you will have a lot of the chips in play, if you call and lose to the only hand that can beat you, then thats just unlucky.

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Re: Advice on hand :ok Can't win them all mate, I think most people would've called, you can't play that tight with 4 left, you've got a hand which to be honest was was about 38 to 1 in favour it's just sods law if it happenes this time. To be perfectly honest, the fact you're on the bubble shouldn't affect your judgement and even if it does a win here should give you a better chance at finishing higher in the money. :ok All in:ok That's my opinion (and it is just an opinion) and at the moment the poker gods are treating me like a baby treats a nappy so feel free to rubbish it:\

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Re: Advice on hand I called him, but was really worried. He turns over AA, and I take his chips. AAA is a good hand, but with 3 clubs on the board, I guess he figured I was bluffing or was blinded by his 3 Aces and didn't give any real thought to what I'd had. Also a Ace or King on the turn or river would have given him a full house to beat my flush. I still don't know if I played well, or am just "over thinking" now Took his chips, took out the short stack guy next hand, then 3 hands later I'm holding 22, flop comes AK2 guy goes all in, I call. He turns over AK, but my 3 2's holdup against his two pair and I win the tournement. Despite this win, I'm a bit pissed off that I hadn't worked out that he could have killed me.

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Re: Advice on hand You flopped the second nut flush heads up and then got him all in - yes he could have had the nut flush, but you HAVE to take that chance...... Only a Qc and another club could beat you .............. you had to assume you were leading............. I think you did well.......

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Re: Advice on hand Fools - you played well - I would have called that all in - he could have only beaten you with the Q and a club, FH,Straight flush or Quads, and there was no chance of that. There was a chance that he was holding the Q and another club but that was "unlikely" , I do think that you are slightly "over thinking" as you suggest. It is good to look back on your game play as we can all learn by our mistakes- but I think that the majority of us here would have called the All in too.:ok

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Re: Advice on hand I think Fools, that you can get too worried about losing to the absolute nuts. I know that because I have. I have no idea of how many possible hands you can have, but you had the second possible best hand. If you lose to the nuts - thats poker.:\ I think that you were/are concerned that you didn't spot what hands the villain could possibly hold. This is perhaps one of the toughest but most wonderful skills of poker to attain. I saw an excellent 'read' made by a player in a tourney similar to the one played in by Snow Queen, Rosco, and Fenner (6 internet qualifiers playing an STT kind of thing). Player A was holding 10 10 (chip leader) Player B was holding A Ko (middle stack) Player C was holding 9 9. (short stack) A made a healthy raise, B re-raised, and C went all-in. This left A a dilema. Does he re-raise and put B all-in, and risk his tournament winnings on a 3-way pot (which diminishes the value of pocket pairs), or let Player B hopefully put out Player C (in doing so the Heads-Up becomes a much closer affair - due to Player A's initial raise which he loses on folding)? Well, he deliberated for absolutly ages, and when he started to talk a commentator said, "He's folding", but the amazing thing was that he not only correctly assumed he was ahead, but he also said out loud that, Player B had an underpair (to his), and that C had an A with a big kicker.:eek Okay he got the players on the wrong hands, but still (imo) made a fantastic read, and decided to agonisingly fold. Player B called the all in and flopped two pair, which would have been enough to knock out C and damage A severely. One of the best folds I have ever seen, due in part to the awesome read. Player A won the tourney btw. Anyway - Gaf? posted an excellent quiz here; http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23249& Believe me, you seem to be doing very well, so don't worry too much if you are finding flaws in your game.... It's those flaws I hope to turn into a profit.:D

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Re: Advice on hand

I think that you were/are concerned that you didn't spot what hands the villain could possibly hold.
100% correct Mr V, in much the same way they guy was blinded by his set of Aces, I was blinded by my high flush. Neither of us played the hand well imho. I didn't spot the danger of the nut flush until half my chips were in, my concern is if this happens again a better player will take me to pieces. Need to make sure I take the time to mentally assign a "likely hand" to everyone else, playing my hand ain't good enough, I need to play the entire table
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Re: Advice on hand No way you can lay that hand. You have a 0.8% chance of flopping a flush, and considerably lower if he was in fact holding two of the same suit. I know that's using the odds the wrong way around, but it's an indication of how rare your hand is. I'd have bet the farm on second nut flush heads up, especially on that board - I'd probably have called you with a set of aces too.

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Re: Advice on hand I am all in on the turn after the bet-raise-call flop and hope he has slowplayed AA/KK in the SB and he now wants to play his trips - if he has Qx clubs you are unlucky this should be a no-brainer IMHO, and you should never lay this down except if the other 2 are micro stacked and are all in next hand on their blinds, so you are guareenteed ITM regardless of what happens. Very easy call for me Damo :ok

Looking for a bit of advice on how I should have handled a situation please playing a STT last night, 4 of us left, cash for top 3. I'm 2nd place, other guy in this story in just below me in 3rd. I'm on Big Blind, with J 4 both clubs. Two fold straight away, 1 guy calls me. If he'd raised hard I'd have folded, cause my hand is sh!t, but I check to the flop. three more clubs on the flop, A K 7, I now have a made flush. He raises hard, I reraise, he calls. Turn, river are 6, 3 hearts, again we re-raise each other on the turn. At this stage I'm commited for about half of my stack, only at this point does it occur to me, he may have 2 clubs as well, inc the Queen. He may have a unbeatable nut flush:(. Just as this thought strikes me he pushes all in... What should I have done, laid down and lost half my stack and most likely gone out at the bubble, or taken the chance and called him ????
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