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poker in leicester 2nite


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Re: poker in leicester 2nite

rebuys for the first 2 hours ? :eek oh dear :loon I thought 1 hour was bad enough. good luck manfredd !!:hope let us know how you get on :ok
BA - Honestly mate P-Lady and I both play on Fridays with the same format. The old-timers think nothing of having 5 or more rebuys, but the slower pace of the game means its quite easy to make it to the freeze-out part with your original buy in or maybe 1 add-on/rebuy. Good luck tonight manfredd - but Wednesdays are league games for us. :ok
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Re: poker in leicester 2nite yep Mr V, the last live tourney I played in there were 2 guys on my table re-buying like there was no tomorrow, they were probably bordering on 7 or 8 rebuys in the first hour. 2 hours of rebuying, I wouldn`t like that at all. 1 hour is more than enough surely.

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Re: poker in leicester 2nite wow, they actually have poker here???????????? JHC what is the world coming to??? and I was thinking Leicester was in the 'back of beyond' when it came to a card room....... will endeavour to get there next week fredd - thanks for the 'heads up' ta Damo ps do they have other poker nites matey?

anyone in the area is welcome 2 join me at Annabelles stanley casino for tourney 2nite' date=' £10 entry rebuys for the 1st two hours last entry 7.45pm;)[/quote']
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