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How many games can you play at once?


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Last night I tried entering 6 freerolls which would all hit at the same time... Got off to a bad start when 32Red would not log me in at 6.00, started blaming my son who was playing counterstrike through the same connection, then went straight out of a Paddy Power tiddler, but at 7.00 the fun really started. 32Red still denied my existence but solid starts on Sporting odds and Poker4ever meant that I had 2 games toddling along nicely. At 7.30 Virgin would not let me in as it is same software as SO...my attempts to get on made me fold a couple of strongish hands on the other tables. So back to just 2 games on the screen and no other distractions...I was managing just fine. 8.00 introduced the Ladbrokes and a chance for 5 minutes on Virgin, during an SO break. In 5 minutes on Virgin I had totally lost it, but it wouldn't let me off the game during a hand and I started to panic....I needed to get back to SO before all my stack went {No...idiot...half an hour absence wouldn't even dent your stack!}. Sweat was trickling steadily down my face as paranoia took over, so all in on 45 got me off Virgin and somebody made me go all in on Ladbrokes with 39, think it was that damned manic monkey sitting on my shoulder. So finally back to just 2 tables, the sweating abated and the breathing returned to normal, eventually winning $1.07 and $2.00. So I now know that 2 tables is my limit...yet people will post that they play on 4 or more tables regularly...is this really possible? retaining the skill level on all the tables? So be honest...how many tables can you manage without your play suffering?

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Re: How many games can you play at once? Well i think i could honestly said one.. I can concentrate to full power.so to speak. But i have regularly played 2, 3 is far to much to try but i have tried it with no success. So i play 2 quite a few times but tend to pick one with good value to play a good game ..:ok

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Re: How many games can you play at once? Dodger.... I tried three once and all hell broke loose. I couldn't move from one table to another unless I had folded on one and then I couldn't get back to the other table whilst a hand was still going... and I clicked the wrong button whilst moving the curser about and ended up all in with a 3-9... luckily no one called that one. I learnt my lesson now - only a maximum of two tournies at any one time - even that's difficult enough to play. I saw an article with Phil Ivey in it a little while ago - he had three computer screens in front of him and was playing in 8 tournaments at once...!!!!! :notworthy

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Re: How many games can you play at once? I don't want to sound like a ponce but I can play 4 cash tables (low-level-no-limit) and one tourny at the same time. I just play the cash tables by the maths and if I make it to mid-tourny then I'll close a couple of cash games down so I can concentrate on the bullies and the timid people.

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Re: How many games can you play at once? only 1 STT/MTT at a time for me. Have tried mutlitabling tourneys but get in a mess when hands start clashing with one another and you've got windows coming to the front all the time. Cash games I've played up to 3 at a time quite comfortably but then I just play the big(ish) hands only so not much chance of clashes. As an aside, I only just discovered last night that you could only have one Boss Media app open at a time. I was playing the safety net on SO and wanted to play some cash games on Poker.co.uk to get my raked hands in for the bonus, only to be told that I couldn't load it as I already had one open!! How sh*t is that. They were not even the same poker site :( Is there a way around it that anyone knows of?

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Re: How many games can you play at once? Three was a nightmare, two was do-able until I started doing very well in one tourney, the problem is that even if the one you are doing well in is a low value freeroll you tend to give it more attention than the other tourney which could be a much better value tourney. I think we've had this question before and if it's a case of getting bored somebody suggested playing solataire, if it's to maximise your potential winnings then it's probably a false economy. To eliviate boredom between hands I always look to the forum, try and add to my nostril waste collection or make pervy phone calls:unsure

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Re: How many games can you play at once? I often enter 2 or 3 freerolls starting an hour apart and have still been in the first 2 when the third starts. I find it impossible to concentrate on more than one so if I get on a final table I will sit out the others until it is over.

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Re: How many games can you play at once? sounds about right it depends on what you are playing and your mindset I tend not to mix cash and tourney tho, as they need a different mindset to play. 4-tabling STT's is do-able for me (just) if I have had plenty of sleep and I can focus on them - same with the cash tables - simply becuase you are folding crap most of the time and waiting for premium hands - and because you are seeing many more cards/hour, you don't get bored and start playing A8s UTG etc...... and I agree - if it is getting to the later stages of a tourney, the others go on hold, whilst I concentrate on the push or fold stage around the bubble etc. Cheers Damo ps yes people do 12 table STT's and play like robots, as they are playing to maximise $/hr, not playing for fun.

I don't want to sound like a ponce but I can play 4 cash tables (low-level-no-limit) and one tourny at the same time. I just play the cash tables by the maths and if I make it to mid-tourny then I'll close a couple of cash games down so I can concentrate on the bullies and the timid people.
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Re: How many games can you play at once? Yes - agree with DAC - I play 4 low limit cash tables at a time (playing cards not opponents) - can only do it if on the same site. I can't play 4 tourneys at the same time though - tourneys are less of a "grind" and you need to be more aware of situations (and what gear you are in) - I struggle with 2 tourneys if they started at different times and I am in a "different gear" in them - I just can't adjust.......

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Re: How many games can you play at once?

Yes - agree with DAC - I play 4 low limit cash tables at a time (playing cards not opponents) - can only do it if on the same site. I can't play 4 tourneys at the same time though - tourneys are less of a "grind" and you need to be more aware of situations (and what gear you are in) - I struggle with 2 tourneys if they started at different times and I am in a "different gear" in them - I just can't adjust.......
Try Prozac or Valium....
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Re: How many games can you play at once? Quite a variety of responses there then. The average reply is only slightly higher than 2 and that is definitely my limit from now on...however it did give a certain rush of adrenaline to take on a task that was beyond me! One thing for certain though...Date: Tuesday 25th April ...Time: 8pm BST ...at this precise time I will most certainly ONLY BE PLAYING ONE!:ok

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