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poker.co.uk PL League - $500 added - Leg 1 - Monday 17th April 21:15 BST


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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - $500 added - Leg 1 - Monday 17th April 21:15 BST

liar bet youv got a collection! in jars everywhere by now... oh erm hang on i didnt do it:ok
Pene, if you have got a collection, we DO NOT ON ANY ACCOUNT, EVER, want to see the evidence, photgraphic or otherwise!!!:loon :loon We'll take your word for it!;) BTW if you get an invite to MKOP final Mo, let us know, as we'll then make sure we get Pene there, boltcutters in hand, so she can add to her collection!!.:eek :eek
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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - $500 added - Leg 1 - Monday 17th April 21:15 BST I've got to brag here lol I was down to 32chips at one point with about 33 players left and ended up finishing tenth, pretty happy with my game at the minute. Being on here does improve your poker!

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