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What the other forums are saying about the Forum Challenge


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Really sorry for the blatent plagurism trust_me - but it was such a great post you made elsewhere.

Theres some quite interesting stuff going on around the forums after last nights games...heres the highlights: LADBROKES: Team Ladbrokes are trying to work out if they should be soft playing against each other "like punterslounge" or just go for it. Heres a quality quote: good show from those that took part, but only 15 of us? Do we really want to finish behind a bunch of fruit machine addicts? The Ladbrokes team is going to be a lot stronger for the next game, some of the big guns are coming out to play! FRUITCHAT: Lack of luck seemed to be the biggest problem for fruitchat! its completly about luck on this site I never seem to get good cards either, on Ladbrokes I seem to have much better luck.. Surely they must use the same method to deal the cards tho?? Although according to fruitchat its ladbrokes that are now telling each other what hands they have got. Although in the end they were all very happy with joes final placing of 4th and rightly so. LONDON POKER MEETUP: They want to know whos who from now on instead of nearly knocking each other out without knowing. I think the best comment overall came from here: One thing I would like to mention is the 'team play' theme, this is going round ALL the forums at the mo and IMHO I think every1 should play there own game. If u want to steal my blind , go for it but honestly theres no point to checking out pots to team mates (your giving opposition reads) or folding to raises from team mates (showing weakness which might impact that big ALL IN raise you want to do with an under pair ... MOI surely not ). So play your game and gl This team is going to step up their recruitment drive, so I expect them to come back stronger in the next game. teamholdem: not really sure they know whats going on yet...will work on them over the next week or so, I sent the details to over 100 members a couple of hours before the tournament and I expect them to outnumber punterslounge in the next game. PUNTERSLOUNGE: My god they are confident: Don't be surprised mate, I told you during our private game last night that PL have it in the bag before it's begun and it seems I've been proved right! Bringer of tilt Waltypies has got some enemys: You will get your mate Walty to play in the next one won't you Great turnout from team punterslounge, 44 entrants and they have a 46 point lead to take into the next game. Top quote from eventual winner plROSE: I don't care what they think really, if they're too stupid to work out Rose might be a girls name, then I'm looking forward to seeing them at a table near me soon GAMBLING.CO.UK: Reckon i can put elblande on TILT?? Waltypies makes an appearence and some new enemys FirePhil out in 24th, and trust_me in 22nd bubbling the bubble. Event one - our result: Gambling.co.uk = 21 runners, 0 points, $-42 That sums it all up really! Although we all obviously last to bad beats and bad play by all the other teams...got to be the only reason why we are last! Think we need to finish in all of the top 20 places in the next one.
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Re: What the other forums are saying about the Forum Challenge Wow, we've really upset a few. Got to agree that the only one with good constructive criticism and positive thoughts is London Poker Meetup. A lot of the other comments are a bit like ".....I'll bring my big brother and my dad next time".:cry I honestly believe that even if outnumbered, we'd score highly again without the need to resort to a call to arms. Quality play will win through at the end of the day.

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Re: What the other forums are saying about the Forum Challenge forgive me for being really thick however...... what site/game/tourney are we talking about please? poker.co.uk/goal/team? fink I missed the original thread and want to know where I need to be to cheerlead!:ok Ta Damo

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Re: What the other forums are saying about the Forum Challenge Well - it is true that we had an overwhelming advantage in terms of numbers - if you look at a table based on Average score per player, then we fall to 3rd place........ (Unfortunately it puts Laddies top, closely followed by London Poker Meetup / Teddy KGB PL 2.2 LPM/KGB 2.6 Laddies 2.7 Fruitchat 1.9 Team Holdem 0.1 Gambling.co.uk 0 So if the other forums do get their numbers up, we may have a battle on our hands............ Then again - I though 44 was quite a low entry for us - I would think/expect a few more next time (look at SO - we're getting 55 to 60 at the moment there.....)

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Re: What the other forums are saying about the Forum Challenge Bollocks I totally forgot about this :( Just a sidenote: I'm a member of teamholdem forum, got an email from them about this before the first event - they give out t-shirts to their players!

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