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Sporting Odds MTT April League Leg 2


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Re: Sporting Odds MTT April League Leg 2 I'm out in 65th. Had pp 10's board all low and Fergie 77 went all in he had paired his 7 (A7) in hand River a 7 :wall . Next hand went all in 1900 chips with QQ Fergie called with AK and Pocket Lady called also with AJ flop AJ and goodnight from me :\ . Very nice Pocket Lady and glad you beat Fergie :clap

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - April

Out in 75th Whoever KennyB06 is, is a lucky git. All in with anything with an A upwards and winning everytime. :wall Come on PL'ers get him :ok EDIT oooppps, wrong thread. GaF could you please move this to the weekly thread. ta
KennyB is on our table with 20k. Next stack is 5k. He's just raising with anything and everything. :(
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT April League Leg 2 Out in 46th. Got 1 hand the whole of the first hour. Then first hand after the break is AK, but loses to elm's 88 which made a full house. Good luck to those remaining. Oh and KennyB had been cut down to size by 6ooner and then Jeffster! :clap

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT April League Leg 2 :@ Bottoms! doing really well and I got a call from Milou saying she'd been robbed at Brussells (again) so started throwing away my chips so I could cancel cards - got rid of about 7k and she called me again to say, she was OK - nothing had been took because she'd hidden them well after the last time:@ My bloody chips have been took!! Chip and a chair, chip and a chair:wall :wall :wall

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT April League Leg 2 32nd I think. AKs lost to a pair of Jacks.Short stacked had to chuck it all in and Eltrev calls.Short stacked though from AK versus TQM's 8's.King on the flop but also 4 clubs to double up TQM.Behind both times so fair do's but that club on the river halted all my momentum. GL all that are left.

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT April League Leg 2 out in 10th..... Go all in with pocket 10's.... E4sby calls, with Q J I think, and makes a pair of Queens... I thought PL RULED TONIGHT ! WE KICKED ASS ! :nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT April League Leg 2

out in 10th..... Go all in with pocket 10's.... E4sby calls, with Q J I think, and makes a pair of Queens... I thought PL RULED TONIGHT ! WE KICKED ASS ! :nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana
Well played mate, as ever a great game to watch - although edited highlights would still take a hell of a long while to watch:ok
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