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I'm confused


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I'm fairly new to this online poker and due to firewall problems have only been able to download VC and Paddy P, I've been switching between the 2 depending on who I thought had the better options, however, I've just noticed that the players are the same on both sites! Is this a recurring theme throughout online poker?

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Re: I'm confused Most poker sites are actually just "skins" on a Poker Network. Regardless of which skin you connect through, the players for Network events (99% of games) will be shared across the network. Paddy Power and Victor Chandler are both on the Tribeca network - which is why you see them sharing players. Of course - individual skins may have "exclusive" events which are not shared across the entire network. The main networks out there are Prima, Boss Media, Tribeca, PokerRoom, Tain, Cryptologic ..... and others which probably slip my mind. Party Poker are of course the biggest and don't have Skins. Similarly I don't think PokerStars share their software........

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Re: I'm confused Thanks Gotafancy, that clears that up. I must admit to now feeling a bit stupid as I was toing and froing between PP & VC to see who had the most action, when they were the same! Can I find out easily who uses which networks?

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