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Bruise Pristene

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just played in a 10seat tournament on BF. before the first hand this bloke username "cook014" said "whos all in first hand" in the chat, so he went all in 4 went with him, he had 6 3 unsuited as hole cards fluked a straight and won. next hand all in again, and again, every hand knocking people out by fluking draws. continued like this for 8 hands til it was just me and him, he kep trying to go all in, i kept foldin as had shite cards. eventually got AA matched him all in, he turned over 3 7 unsuited, flop brings 7 4 3, then 2 Q comes out and he wins the tournament :@ how can such an arsehole be so lucky for what was a total of 12 hands?:notworthy

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