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Welcome Lillelars, my dear babybrother... :o)


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There... now Lillelars is a member of the Punters Lounge... He has been following some of your writings through me, but I thought he was now ready to join himself :tongue2 :welcome Lillelars (Lars is his firstname, Lille = small, tho he is taaaall) Enjoy your stay and all these friendly and funny pokeraddicts you will encounter inhere :clap

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Re: Welcome Lillelars, my dear babybrother... :o) you poor poor man :cry :sad i think i speak for everyone when i say we feel your pain! :loon :welcome gl have a blast m8, its a top laugh on here, even if you dont win anything:cow :cow :cow :cow

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Re: Welcome Lillelars, my dear babybrother... :o)

Now now guys... Am I that bad????? :unsure
Do you REALLY want us to answer that?;) (We love ya really Pene) :welcomeLars. Enjoy your stay! Further to Slapdash's question, I know some specialists in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder if you haven't got over the trauma yet!!!
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Re: Welcome Lillelars, my dear babybrother... :o) :ok Don't get too smart:ok Well done- anyone who beats captain Pene deserves the happy dance:cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow and a :nana :nana :nana

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Re: Welcome Lillelars, my dear babybrother... :o)

:ok Don't get too smart:ok Well done- anyone who beats captain Pene deserves the happy dance:cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow and a :nana :nana :nana
Yeah... Obiwan has taught him well... But he is not a Jedi yet... :tongue2 :tongue2 Well done Bro... :clap
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Re: Welcome Lillelars, my dear babybrother... :o)

Yeah... Obiwan has taught him well... But he is not a Jedi yet... :tongue2 :tongue2 Well done Bro... :clap
Uh-oh, sounds like our Cap'n has got her lightsabre through the post now. :lol :lol Boltcutters must be superfluous now!! Well Done Lars:clap :clap
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Re: Welcome Lillelars, my dear babybrother... :o)

Yeah... Obiwan has taught him well... But he is not a Jedi yet... :tongue2 :tongue2
Raise three times the pot on the button you must- then announce 'these are not the cards you're looking for' when the flop arrives - It's an old Jedi blind trick!
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Re: Welcome Lillelars, my dear babybrother... :o)

Raise three times the pot on the button you must- then announce 'these are not the cards you're looking for' when the flop arrives - It's an old Jedi blind trick!
hahahaha ..... can you please teach me that one ?????
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Re: Welcome Lillelars, my dear babybrother... :o)

hahahaha ..... can you please teach me that one ?????
Nice one 6ooner You do need to remember that a slight wave of the hand is necessary for the trick to be fully effective. However, it has a powerful effect on the weak minded, so should work quite well against the other teams!.:D
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