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My trip to Stanley's, Bristol, Friday April 7th


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Went to Stanleys Casino here in Bristol tonight (Yesterday ?), Friday 7th April... The purpose of the trip was to play in the £50 satellite for the Southern Masters, the final of which will be held in Reading on June 3 /4. For some reason, all satellites have been cancelled, so I entered the Casino's Friday £20 rebuy tourney..36 runners...Top ten paid... Having spent £80, I went out on the bubble in 11th, when a guy who had been playing trash all night (especially in the rebuy phase, which was shown when his bluff was called a few times) went all in for 9,100 chips...At that point, I had 8,700, and holding K Q of Diamonds, I went all in too...The guy turned over A 3 off suit, but needless to say his Ace paired, taking me out of the tourney.... I did get very lucky in one hand though, taking out a well known local player who has qualified for the last three world series...With the blinds at 400 / 800, my stack was 3,200...Staring down at J 4 of Diamonds, I thought its "now or never mate, you are on the BB in the next hand" & raised to 1,600 to try to thin the field...Everyone but Ray folded...Ray called...Flop turns over 2 Diamonds...Ray goes all in....I follow...Hitting a Diamond on the turn...He wasnt impressed...I cant even remember what cards he had...

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Re: My trip to Stanley's, Bristol, Friday April 7th I made the final table last night, finished 7th and won a massive £110. I have only rebought once in the four times I have been, last night I didn't re-buy either. I was nearly blinded out, but managed to quadruple, then double and double again to take me to the middle of the field and onto the F-T. Once on there I only had 2 picture cards and jumped with 77 - only to walk into 88. :sad I AM going to take the 1st prize - and soon. :ok

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Re: My trip to Stanley's, Bristol, Friday April 7th

Bugger ! If I had known you were going down, I would have made sure to introduce meself mate...great result by the way :clap
UMMmmmmm......Jeffster...........Valiant goes to the Stanleys in STOKE :loon Good effort tho mate............:rollin :rollin
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Re: My trip to Stanley's, Bristol, Friday April 7th Chelski, Valiant never mentioned STOKE in his post, so I assumed he played in Bristol last night :loon Whatever next, am I supposed to guess he supports Robbie Williams FC (AKA Port Vale) ? :eek:eek:eek ;););)

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Re: My trip to Stanley's, Bristol, Friday April 7th

Bugger ! If I had known you were going down, I would have made sure to introduce meself mate...great result by the way :clap
Jeff, SO sorry mate - Stoke has a £10 rebuy Fridays and now Wednesdays too. We started going about a month ago, and it is our (Mrs V and mine) mission to win the thing. Sorry dude, but thanks. :ok P.S. - Yes I do support Robbie Williams FC. Another thing we have in common with BCFC. Boyband owners/shareholders.:$ :$
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Re: My trip to Stanley's, Bristol, Friday April 7th

Jeff, SO sorry mate - Stoke has a £10 rebuy Fridays and now Wednesdays too. We started going about a month ago, and it is our (Mrs V and mine) mission to win the thing. Sorry dude, but thanks. :ok P.S. - Yes I do support Robbie Williams FC. Another thing we have in common with BCFC. Boyband owners/shareholders.:$ :$
LOL No worries mate.... I support READING FC by the way :nana:nana:nana:nana:nana Wonder why Stanleys Stoke is a £10 re-buy, but its £20 in Bristol....
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