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Video Analysis


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Re: Video Analysis To give a starting view - working back through it - I don't think I got "busy enough" early enough ...... in doing the excel table I was amazed at just how many hands I was folding. In the first 60 hands there were probably more opportunities to steal than I took.......

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Re: Video Analysis

I can't see for the life of me how to download the clips. I click on the 'free' option and it then goes on to offer me a premium account. No download... :unsure Where am I going wrong?
After you have clicked the free button it goes to another screen. Just above the payment options it tells you, you have a ticket. Next to it is a countdown timer. When this is cleared it will ask you to enter the jumbled up letters in the box then click download :ok
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Re: Video Analysis

same here... click free and it seems to take you to a pay page. However' date=' I then noticed that it says 'or wait 35 mins', so guess you either pay or wait 35 mins for the vid to start downloading :([/quote'] I've tried it 3 times and it's been about 30 seconds wait each time. It could be checking your bandwidth :unsure
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Re: Video Analysis with rapidshare on a free account you can only d'l so many bytes in any one hour - it might be that you hit your limit and so that why you got your message - assuming you keep your computer on it will save what you have d/l in your temp file (unless you have you setting to automatically clear the temp folder) - and when you restart after the hour, it will carry on and fnish off Damo

dunno' date=' but the wierd thing was that it said I had already downloaded 34 meg so probably that was why (even though I'd never been on the site before in my life!). probably an NTL proxy thing.[/quote']
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Re: Video Analysis Video d/l run out of time so working from the spreadsheet only hand 30 - button with 66 - fold? (assuming someone ALL IN before you?) hand 31 - CO with A4 - same as hand 30 hand 32 - fine play as you have been quiet, you needto be shoving with something otherwise you just get blinded away hand 56 - button with K7 fold?? steal opportunity? or is one of the blinds a shortie and will call for pot odds? hand 65 - you have just won a big pot, and fold 65 in the sb?, use momentum and play hand 66 - 44 on the button and fold? cheers Damo

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Re: Video Analysis Yeah - sorry mate - didn't put the full details in the spreadsheet........ Hand 30 (15 mins 25 sec) - 66 on the Button. 4th player round from the button (2nd to act pre flop) went all in for 9760 chips. The other 3 players to act before me all folded. Hand 31 (15 mins 53 secs) - I am on the cutoff - 4th to act pre flop. 4th player round from the button (2nd to act pre flop) goes all in for 3710 chips. The other 3 players to act before me all folded. The all in is called. Player going all in shows A8s. The caller (SB) shows KJo. Hand 32 (16 mins 17 secs) - I am in 5th position (3rd to act pre flop). Players before me fold and I make my move. Is a complete gamble with 4 players to act after me. Biggest stack still to act though has 10k, so my 6k is a significant proportion of his chips. Hand 56 (25 mins 45 Secs) - I am on Button (3rd to act pre flop). I am short stack with 5.8k - other stacks between 13k and 18k. Player before me raises to 6,400. I can't call. Hand 65 (29 mins 43 Secs) - Momentum? The cards don't remember they won for me last time do they? Not sure I "believe" too much in momentum!!!! And 65o doesn't excite me!!! Anyway decision is taken away from me - 4 players left and UTG raises to 2900 (3x BB) - I have to fold (unless I come though over the top with a bluff - being the new chip leader, not IMO the moment for such a move) Hand 66 (30 mins 3 secs) - UTG raises to 6000 (6xBB) - my 44 isn't good enough to call or raise. Cheers for your thoughts Damo :ok For those with trouble downloading ....... you can download 30mb (1 section) free per hour. I've never seen a wait longer than about 40 secs (except when I've breached this limit). If you have longer waits then I imagine it's because you (or your proxy/IP address) has reached the limit - and the time is the time till the limit is reset.

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Re: Video Analysis I give up... cannot download from that site. I now get the 30 second countdown which takes me through to the next screen where I have to put in a letter code and click the button. But once I click to download, I get this everytime: Download-session invalid. Please click here. Possible reasons:

  • Download-session expired. Direct-links last a few minutes for free users and a few days for premium-users.
  • You requested this download-session from a different IP than yours. If you use AOL, try a different browser

There doesn't seem to be anything I can do to get it to download. Oh well :wall

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