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Fastest Finger First


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I'm feeling quite pleased with myself. I checked my email at about 5.55pm yesterday and I had an email from 32red about various Grand National related events, and advertizing a competition where they would put a question on their "Message of the day" at 6pm, and the first three correct answers they received would win entry (worth $55) into a $100,000 guaranteed MTT on Sunday, and the next few would win $5. Guessing that the question might be "Who won last year's Grand National?" and bringing to bear my encyclopaedic knowledge of horse racing, I prepared an email saying "Hedgehunter", and sat reloading their message of the day for a couple of minutes. I was right. Got an email today saying I'm in. Bad news is it's a rebuy. I'm not rebuying for $50 if I get knocked out, but I'll probably make sure I have $50 in my account for a possible add-on, depending on how things are going and what the prize structure is.

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Re: Fastest Finger First Lucky you. I usually fall asleep at around 5pm on a Thursday and wake up at around 5:20pm! I'm never the quickest to answer but occasionally get the $5 runner-up prize. ....not many sites offering cash for questions these days (I think Tribeca stopped the quizzes a while back).

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Re: Fastest Finger First I've just got to the end of the rebuy period with about 4000 chips (started with 1500). I told myself I'd add on if I had between 2 and 3 times the starting stack, so I've "invested" (wasted?) $50 on another 1500 chips. 547 left of an original 830 players, with money down to 130th.

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Re: Fastest Finger First

Just won one of these myself for this Sunday. Any advice/comments from slapdash and Ross the Boss would be most welcome.
Well done! Well, although I didn't get into the money, I enjoyed it a lot. There didn't seem to be anything to be frightened of as far as the standard went, although there were very few "all-in muppets" (though there were a few: I doubled up against one early on ... I think he spent about $500 on rebuys!). Although it's a rebuy, there was a lot less of the "who cares if I lose my chips, I can always buy some more" attitude that I've seen in cheaper rebuys, possibly because a lot of players qualified through cheap satellites. Rebuys end after an hour, and then everybody has the chance to get an add-on for $50. I'd advise you to decide what you're going to do about rebuys and add-ons beforehand and stick to it. I had $50 in my account, intending to add-on if I was doing reasonably well at the break (which I was). I lost that, but don't regret it. I had below average luck after the break, and feel that I could well have made the money if I'd had slightly better luck. I've enjoyed the few higher buy-in tournaments that I've played a lot more than the cheap ones I usually play (apart from the PL Parties, of course). It all seems a lot less random. Now Paul can tell you what it was like for somebody who actually did well ...
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Re: Fastest Finger First Made it at last!!!!!!!!! :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow Have just received the following email from 32Red: As one of the first 3 correct answers we have received this week, you have won a seat at this Sunday's $100,000 Guarantee, worth $55! The tournament takes place on Sunday at 8.30pm GMT (9.30pm CET). The buy-in will be credited to your account on Sunday afternoon, and from there all you will need to do is register for the tournament in the Multi Table Tournament Special section in time for the start of the tournament. All I have to do now is win it :unsure

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Fastest Finger First I can't believe I was one of the three fastest today....all i wanted was the $5 (I work on Sunday nights. :(). Someone offer me a good deal and you can play the $100,000 on Sunday night. No messing this time like last time around (only finished 5th out of 24 in the Sunday semi-final for a seat in the Betfred Million on Easter Sunday....shows you how good I am. :$ :lol).

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