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A Real Bad Beat for Frisky

slick mick

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Re: A Real Bad Beat for Frisky Stage #369916273 Tourney ID 890333 Holdem Multi Normal Tournament No Limit $75 - 2006-04-04 16:24:01 (ET) Table: 4 (Real Money) Seat #6 is the dealer Seat 1 - FRISKYFITZ ($3680 in chips) Seat 2 - GYPSY DAVE ($4690 in chips) Seat 4 - 3VIL3YES ($2175 in chips) Seat 5 - LESJOHNSON ($3905 in chips) Seat 6 - JOLLY67 ($4235 in chips) Seat 8 - SLIK MIK ($8575 in chips) SLIK MIK - Posts small blind $75 FRISKYFITZ - Posts big blind $150 *** POCKET CARDS *** Dealt to FRISKYFITZ [9h 9c] GYPSY DAVE - Folds 3VIL3YES - Folds LESJOHNSON - Folds JOLLY67 - Folds SLIK MIK - Raises $375 to $450 FRISKYFITZ - Calls $300 *** FLOP *** [10c Jc Kc] SLIK MIK - Checks FRISKYFITZ - Checks *** TURN *** [10c Jc Kc] [Qc] SLIK MIK - Checks FRISKYFITZ - Checks *** RIVER *** [10c Jc Kc Qc] [4h] SLIK MIK - Bets $150 FRISKYFITZ - Raises $600 to $600 SLIK MIK - Raises $1050 to $1200 FRISKYFITZ - Calls $600 *** SHOW DOWN *** SLIK MIK - Shows [Ac 8h] (Royal flush) FRISKYFITZ - Mucks SLIK MIK Collects $3300 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total Pot($3300) Board [10c Jc Kc Qc 4h] Seat 1: FRISKYFITZ (big blind) HI: [Mucked] [9h 9c] Seat 2: GYPSY DAVE Folded on the POCKET CARDS Seat 4: 3VIL3YES Folded on the POCKET CARDS Seat 5: LESJOHNSON Folded on the POCKET CARDS Seat 6: JOLLY67 (dealer) Folded on the POCKET CARDS Seat 8: SLIK MIK (small blind) won Total ($3300) HI:($3300) with Royal flush [Ac 8h - P:Ac,B:Kc,B:Qc,B:Jc,B:10c] :loon:loon:loon:loon

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Re: A Real Bad Beat for Frisky Slik If you want to e-mail me the shot - I'll put it up for you at a bigger size that makes it easier to see. Generally - once hoisting, I copy and paste the "direct link to image" address. This is about 7 lines down, as this will not reduce the size of the shot :ok:ok

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Re: A Real Bad Beat for Frisky I was still laughing at Spurmans all in attempt to get a 7/2o win against my Pkt A's:loon and then Friskys 9-K Straight flush walked into Miks Royal :rollin Unlucky mate. Best laugh i've had on a table for ages, all of you were great fun :ok

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Re: A Real Bad Beat for Frisky help8vg.jpg highlighted in blue is the link I use for screenshots - this does not alter the size in any way thus making it easier to read/see. right click on this link, (direct link to image) select "copy" go to reply to thread, click on "yellow envelope" icon just above reply box, right click on the link box that appears, select "paste" et Voila!!! :nana:nana:nana

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