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sporting odds rake back


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Dear andrew, You are invited to join the SportingOdds Club Class - a reward scheme for our best Poker players. Members receive two fantastic benefits; Earn up to 35% Rakeback We will give you back up to 35% of your rake each month! Here's how it works; - If you rake $1000+ in a month we'll give you 25% rakeback. - If you rake $2000+ in a month we'll give you 30% rakeback. - If you rake $4000+ in a month we'll give you 35% rakeback. You can start earning rakeback from the 1st April so get ready to hit the tables. Club Class Elite Tourney Each month the Top 30 Club Class raking players will playoff in an end of month tourney to win an exclusive break abroad. Trips include watching Sumo Wrestling in Tokyo and snowmobiling in Iceland. During the last 6 months you would have qualified for at least one Elite Tourney had they been running. April's top 30 will play for an exclusive 3 nights in Moscow with all the extras included, with second place winning a guaranteed 35% rakeback for May. Click here for full details about our club.
button_poker_tables.gif Ben Walton Poker Room Manager SportingOdds poker-logo-060306.gif
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Re: sporting odds rake back

What kind of limits and for how long would you need to be playing to get anywhere near that offer being of any use?
That's what I was wondering. I got a similar email on which it said about you can still get $100 if you don't rake $1000. But I had a look at the conditions for that and you need to rake 3000 hands!
$100 Monthly Bonus Every month in the SportingOdds Poker Room you could earn up to $100 in free money. 1000-1999 Raked Hands = $20 Free 2000-2999 Raked Hands = $70 Free 3000+ Raked Hands = $100 Free
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Re: sporting odds rake back I got that email too - it's a reasonably good rakeback offer, but it's not amazing. I fired SO a few months ago and its not a big enough incentive to get me back there.... As to how much you'd need to play, rakes %5 on SO so you'd have to be contributing $20,000 to to raked pots to reach the minimum rake level - not actually as much as it sounds but still requires a fair bit of play.

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Re: sporting odds rake back "Back in the day" it was easy to accrue your $100 loyalty bonus by playing 3 or 4 0.05/.10 limit games at the same time, it was quite profitable as well but they cottoned onto that after a while and they got rid of their low limit games. I could make the 3000 games by playing a couple of hours a night. I am still positive people coerce to achieve this bonus though as it would be quite simple.

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Re: sporting odds rake back I just wish they'd show how many raked hands you are currently on in their software somewhere. I'm sure it would a) save a lot of customer frustration/confusion and b) save them a fortune in the man hours that must be lost responding to raked hand queries.

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Re: sporting odds rake back

What kind of limits and for how long would you need to be playing to get anywhere near that offer being of any use?
here is a copy of my post from earlier in the week - not had any feedback from this so I am assuming my maths is correct. And now I have seen the piece on their website, I will be moving my account, as this rakeback is crap - sorry GW, but it is not reasonable offer, I don't know of another site that sets a minimum for you to get rakeback? (tho no doubt others do, so feel freeto let me know ;)). Unless you are playing $2/$4 up and multitabling I can't see how you can qualify for rakeback. There are affiliates out there that pay rakeback on boss media sites for any amount you generate per month, so if you want to keep playing on their network there are other alternatives. Cheers Damo ********************************************** This is a step in the right direction however, before we all get excited by this shall we do a bit of maths and see how good this offer is? STT's Assuming that STT's qualifiy for this, the chance of getting rakeback is slim unless you mega multitable and/or play for more than 3 hours a day. the maths bit you 4 table the $20+2 for 3 hours per day, so you generate $8 per hour in rake and $24 per day (make it $25 to keep the maths easy). Assuming a 30 day month you generate $750 per month in rake and so wont qualify for rakeback as you need a minimum of $1000, if we make it 4 hours per day (=$32 per day) you still wouldn't qualify! So you would need to be 8 tabling the $20+2's per hour to get rakeback and in my experience Sporting don't have the traffic to do this on the site all the time (if ever?) and forget the $50+5's to increase the rake - you can wait 10 mins for a game to fill up sometimes, so I doubt you would get 4 games/hr in. Cash games I am going to make some broad conservative assumptions here, playing the .25/.50c or 50c/$1 tables. The rake per game is $3 (which means the pot is more than $20) with 3 players qualifying as 'contributing to the pot' - as per the current rules on what is a contributed hand and how the rake is split between participating players. Which means that each player generates $1 in rake. So assuming you are a solid player on a table with 40 hands per hour you will probably be invovled in 8 pots per hour (2 hands out of 10 for a tight player) for a total of $8 per hour in rake. We know that this is not enough to get you rakeback if you play for 3 hours per day - so again you will have to increase your hours or multi-table. However, it is very rare for a pot to only have 3 players qualifying for the rake or reaching the $3 amount at these levels I mentioned, in my experience you see a raise of 2Xbb and reraise another 2Xbb and still have 6 people on the flop, so your rake is now 50c, not a $1 as the max rake is $3 - as per the sporting website: 26. The house shall collect a 'rake' not to exceed $3 per pot, except in games featuring stakes of 1-2 or lower, where the maximum rake is $1. Please see 'house rakes' on our website. (INTERESTING - I cannot find the 'house rake' on their website!!!). I am using these two examples as this is the rough level at which I play, and I have kept my a/c at sporting as I was aware from emails I have had with their site that rakeback was (potentially) coming however, due to the minimum rakeback you need to generate to qualify I will find it very hard to get any money back into my a/c for the poker I play. Most sites pay rakeback on any amount wagered per month. I will wait to see their email before completely dismissing this as any more than a gimmick/smokescreen to keep us punters 'happy' and keep us at sporting 'beleiving' we will get rakeback when patently we wont (assuming the current structure stays as it is and you will need to generate minimum amounts etc etc etc). Looks like my account will be leaving sporting very soon, other boss media sites have affliate programs where you get rakeback on any amount wagered, so I will be signing up with them instead. It is a small positive step forward by sporting, but I can't see it working for most 'average' players, I hope they re-think this before they launch. Just my thoughts Damo :cheers ps If someone from Sporting would like to comment on this, or anyone else wants to point out that my maths is wrong then please do.
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Re: sporting odds rake back The raked hands aspect of SO has several themes - The first is rakeback on a total amount of rake collected (provided you are above a $100) - it would be interesting to know whether the whole of the rake for in a hand to which you contribute counts or whether they divvy up the total rake according to the amount each player contributed to pot (suspect they divvy it up!). Theres also the raked hands count that comes in for getting the other bonus andf participating in the freerolls. If they count any hand in which theree is any rake then thats quite an easy one - if its any hand where rake hits 0.25 and you've contributed to the hand then its a bit harder - suspect it is the $0.25 rule. AH just seen robs post and he covers the above!

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