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goal poker


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Re: goal poker the pump, have a look at the main Goalpoker thread. I know Moface can't download this site either, so might be worthwhile trying to get hold of him and compare what sites you have installed. I also had both Goalpoker and Absolute installed, though i've since removed Absolute.

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Guest gazza271

Re: goal poker Hey pump, I had exactly the same problem ! I tried using a different email address, my usual one is @btinternet.com so i tried the wifes one which also ends in @btinternet.com SO As someone on here suggested i opened a new @hotmail.com address which was free and worked !!! Try it mate

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Re: goal poker ive just tried that and it didnt work i have the same problem as thepump, very frustrating as it took me 2 months to uctually download the site now it wont let me rigister, if you work it out m8 let me know i will do likewise:wall :wall :wall :@ :@ :@ :wall :wall :wall

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Re: goal poker i emailed them and got this reply, how very helpfull Thank you for contacting us. In regards to your concern, please be informed that an existing player can not open a second account using the same email address within our network of poker sites. This measure has been taken in order to avoid any security inconvenience for all our customers. As always, we appreciate your patronage and look forward to providing the service you deserve. Best regards, Johnny Team Goal ~ Customer Support [email protected] "Be a player..." yeah be a player my arse no mention of how to resolve this or what sites they are talking about! if anyone sees mr.goalpoker can they point him in this direction ta

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Re: goal poker ok at least they are replying quickly Thank you for getting back to us. We are glad to inform you that other of our affiliate websites are Big Chip Poker and Absolute Poker. If you have an account with one of these websites the system won't allow you to sign up with Goal Poker. According to the records you do have an account at AP under this email address. still cant get in though lol

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Re: goal poker seems if you have an Absolute Poker account thats it you cant use GP, however they told me you can enter most GP tourny through AP so im now finding out :hope :hope :hope Thank you for your email. I have forwarded this email to one of my superiors. I can assure you that we are going to review your case and start working on it immediately. You will be contacted as soon as possible. Your patience and cooperation is highly appreciated. Thanks for playing at Goal Poker! If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know. We're here for you! have been very quick and helpful so far...

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