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Punters Lounge World Tour of Poker

slick mick

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Re: Punters Lounge World Tour of Poker I've added myself and avongirl on the York thread as going to the races. If poker in Newcastle is the Saturday I would think we'll make that too but I wouldn't necessarily fancy travelling any distance after the racing on Friday (we're close enough to come home Friday night and travel Sat pm) :ok

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Re: Punters Lounge World Tour of Poker

I've added myself and avongirl on the York thread as going to the races. If poker in Newcastle is the Saturday I would think we'll make that too but I wouldn't necessarily fancy travelling any distance after the racing on Friday (we're close enough to come home Friday night and travel Sat pm) :ok
Sounds good m8!
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Re: Punters Lounge World Tour of Poker Pene....dont Book Anything Yet! I Think Getting In To Newcastle At 1pm On The Friday Will Be Way Too Late By The Time You Clear Customs, Get Train To York, Check In To Hotel, And Then Get To Races, It Will Be Too Late I Think So Dont Book Anything Yet!

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Re: Punters Lounge World Tour of Poker

I've said before that I'm really interested in attending but would it be ok to bring a mate who is a non-PL'er? Cheers.
A few people have asked this, apparently for economic reasons like sharing a room, and I have no problem with it. Hopefully your mate will enjoy it enough to become a PLer. He may want to join up now so he can get to know us and perhaps play in a few private games before a live game. Anyway I think it's a case of the more the merrier.
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Re: Punters Lounge World Tour of Poker Blimey, this thread has certainly taken off! :eek Errrm, maybe best to slow things down a touch guys - it's one hell of a headache organising these things, and with a suggestion of going to Newc night after raceday, throws things a bit up in the air. :unsure I'll come back after we've had a chat in mods. :ok

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Re: Punters Lounge World Tour of Poker

Ok guys and gals, we've decided that it's probably best to have the poker night in Leeds (where we are staying for York Raceday) on May 19th, either in a casino or in the hotel. We can always arrange another poker night night in Newcastle for say July can't we?:nana
Suits me fine... I'm a teacher, so I have the looooongest summerholiday :nana ....But everything suits me fine, really... this year is a year of travelling and playing poker... he he
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Re: Punters Lounge World Tour of Poker

Ok guys and gals, we've decided that it's probably best to have the poker night in Leeds (where we are staying for York Raceday) on May 19th, either in a casino or in the hotel. We can always arrange another poker night night in Newcastle for say July can't we?:nana
Well I'm a bit surprised after all the interest shown and the arrangements I've made that you come in and cancel it without talking to me about it or giving any reasons. This heavy-handedness is the last thing I would have expected from such a friendly site. I was considering doing what a lot of others had suggested and going to York on the Friday as well as the Casino on Saturday which still seems the best option to me bearing in mind you have nothing organised for the Friday night.
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Re: Punters Lounge World Tour of Poker Mick, It aint heavy handed at all mate, just a logistical nightmare to organise. If you knew how hard it was to for me to organise Sandown last time, you'd realise mate. To be fair you jumped a little too quickly, but we do want a Newcastle poker night and we do appreciate your efforts, but the dates just aren't going to be fair on people, some of which are coming from other countries - it all needs organising a bit that's all. :ok

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Re: Punters Lounge World Tour of Poker

Well after clearing up some misunderstandings with Paul I can confirm that the poker night is still going ahead on Saturday May 20th. I'd really like to get confirmations from everybody who's interested so I can finalise arrangements as soon as possible.
In Newcastle or Leeds Mick?
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Re: Punters Lounge World Tour of Poker

This is a separate event to the york/leeds day.....york races and leeds poker is happening anyway, on the friday This newcastle one on the saturday is just an extra game, so all three are happening, its not a case of 1 over the other, just to clarify
Cheers for all your help with flights etc Morl but can you let me know if you will able to arrange the required LIVER transplants for the Sunday or do we sort them ourselves??:rollin :nana
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