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Concentration Sticks


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What do people use to aid their concentration when playing as I find it quite hard and end up playing like a muppet towards the end of a long session? I invariably use a "concentration stick" :dude but that invariably makes me tired and terribly hungry after a while. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas.

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Re: Concentration Sticks Concentration stick??? :eek What???? Well, don't use anything in particular... have applejuice(sugar for the brain) and coffee(drugs for the brain)... :loon And then I tend to listen to my fav song at the moment... on repeat, and repeat, and repeat, and repeat... :D

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Re: Concentration Sticks I've learned drinking excessively is a massive no-no. That said, you guys should play on Will Hills at around 11pm-1am. It is completely full with pi**ed up nutters and great fun, the STT's become much more easier than normal.

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Re: Concentration Sticks

I've learned drinking excessively is a massive no-no. That said' date=' you guys should play on Will Hills at around 11pm-1am. It is completely full with pi**ed up nutters and great fun, the STT's become much more easier than normal.[/quote'] :puke I did - I was:puke
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Re: Concentration Sticks I'm another one who occasionally manages to cook and eat whilst playing .... have even occasionallly managed to cook whilst playing two MTTs at once :loon . Thank god for the sound prompting available on most sites. As to keeping my concentration up I occasionally overdose on Fishermans Friends and black coffee. I wonder if a hightened Oxygen environment would make for good poker playing - as I don't smoke it's an interesting possibility. Very rarely drink alcohol until theres less than an hour to go to the end of an MTT or occasionally if its a really fun low value game where the enjoyment comes before the money. :beer

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