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live or internet poker


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browsing through the forum for the short while i have been here i noticed there seems to be a few players who have never played a live game before. it got me wondering is there really that many out there who havent played a live game? and is there a reason why. is it availabilty? or finding the time to do it? or is it the simple fact that your local poker club dosent like you wandering around in nothing but a pair of pants! just on a side note for anyone who hasnt tried a live game,do it! its great fun even if you do lose:ok

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Re: live or internet poker Yeah live poker is great and I'm prepared to pay £50/£100 when playing live as it's such a good laugh, where as online my max buy in is £20. Gutshot in London have some decent tournaments going and the standard is nothing special.

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Re: live or internet poker Its the wandering around in a pair of pants issue for me..why do people have to be so uptight about clothing?...:tongue2 No,part of the problem for is that the games I have noticed in a couple of casinos seem to be quite expensive in comparison to the buy ins that I'm used to on the net (a lot of rebuy ones too). Although I'm aware that theres a good local community involved in poker away from casinos in Bristol, their games would still be too expensive in reality for me until my game improves a bit.

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Re: live or internet poker I have to say the imbalance between the cost of casino and internet play was one of the reasons I waited so long. The most I have EVER paid for an online tourney is $30 which works out at less than £20, but on the 3 occasions I've played live, once was a one-off last week whilst P-Lady and Slik Mik were playing. I sat down with £50 and the blinds were £1 I think (drink muddles the memory), and twice were at the local casino on a Friday in a £10 ($17) rebuy which apparently is akin to 'muppet night'. :\ The standard at Stoke is supposed to be quite high, so I won't travel any further afield til I've come top 3, I think. We're lucky in the Midlands. There are good tournies in Stoke, Walsall, B'ham, and Notts, all within an hours travel.

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Re: live or internet poker

Never played live either. Partly because of the cost and partly because I would have to travel to either Newcastle or 'boro.
you missed out....Partly cos they wouldnt let ya in! ;) I dont play live much, a few house games here n there, but never at the casinos......except for in vegas and last years MKOP, and now birmingham on saturday
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Re: live or internet poker

I love playing live and have had some good home games but all the casinos in Newcastle only have rebuy games which I hate. If they had freezeouts I'd be a regular.
Exactly the same here - not interested in rebuys live which is all my local casino had when I last enquired. I want to know when someone goes all in that he is risking being out, not just reaching into his pocket for another wad.
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Re: live or internet poker i agree with the rebuys thing.i was playing a few weeks ago and it £10 in and £10 rebuys for the first two hrs. the guy across from me went through £90 before i used my first tenner:unsure. and he told me he played the night before in the £100 game and had went through five hundred quid. he said to me "good job im not addicted":lol

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Re: live or internet poker Its the availibility and choice isnt it. I think most poker pros will make most of their money from the net these days. Only your big names will profess that they dont. Live tournies are fun for a change but goddamn live cash games I just find a bit dull really. Half the speed of the net plus obviously only 1 game at a time, so your actually seeing about 1/4 of the hands you see online if you play 2 tables at once. 1/4 of hands means 1/4 the profit and obviously even less if you 3 table or heaven forbid more :lol

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