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Another Newbie!


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Hi all, Just thought I'd come out from the shadows and say a big hello to everyone!! I'm otherwise known as 6ooner's better half. Although we're living in Belgium - I still work in London, and travel back and forth every week :cry I therefore don't get to play online as much as he does - but do tend to get a live game in most weeks with the crowd we used to play poker with when we were living in London :nana Been fun watching you guys from the 'outside' and I look forward to joining in a bit more (and yes, I do know what a dead button is!! :tongue2 ) You'll find me online as either Milou or Kuifje (Milou is the french translation of Snowy from the tintin comics and Kuifje is dutch for Tintin - what with him being just about the only famous belgian I figured it was appropriate to take my online name from there!!!)

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Re: Another Newbie!

Been fun watching you guys from the 'outside' and I look forward to joining in a bit more (and yes, I do know what a dead button is!! :tongue2 )
:welcome Milou/Kuifje. :D Can I just say..... THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A DEAD BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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Re: Another Newbie! Thanks for all the welcomes :clap but.......

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A DEAD BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Hmmmm....now I'm confused - I thought that was why I was allowed to miss my blinds every now and then :tongue2
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Re: Another Newbie!

Hi all, You'll find me online as either Milou or Kuifje (Milou is the french translation of Snowy from the tintin comics and Kuifje is dutch for Tintin - what with him being just about the only famous belgian I figured it was appropriate to take my online name from there!!!)
Hi Milou and :welcomefrom another noob. Err wasn't Poirot a Belgian? And what's a dead button?
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Re: Another Newbie!

Well if that's not something you want to do ;) there is always ther Mr and Mrs V solution - put a computer in the cupboard ;)
my missus made me put the computer in the cupboard under the stairs because it made the room look untidy, and now she complains that i live in 'that bloody cupboard'. just can't win sometimes, at least she gets to watch what she wants on telly.:tongue2
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Re: Another Newbie!

my missus made me put the computer in the cupboard under the stairs because it made the room look untidy' date=' and now she complains that i live in 'that bloody cupboard'. just can't win sometimes, at least she gets to watch what she wants on telly.:tongue2[/quote'] think thats how "The People Under The Stairs" started m8 be careful lol
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