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Happy Birthday Lombardo!!!


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Re: Happy Birthday Lombardo!!! Happy Birthday mate. You have an extra special birthday present from Maxim: No more smegging qualifiers to play!!!!!! Congrats on qualifying too. See you at the final for some :beer Enjoy yourself and have a :beer or two for me!!! :beer :drums :cheers :beer :drums :cheers :beer :drums :cheers

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Re: Happy Birthday Lombardo!!! Wow guys, such a warm and welcoming day on the PL! Not that it isn't normally, just more so than usual. Can I firstly thank you all for your words and wishes, they are very much appreicated. Secondly, the :beer will be flowing slowly initially tonight, until I'm outta the last weekly MKOP final. At that point, they will begin to flow a lot more freely so my performance on SO will probably be varied. Will no doubt do better than I normally do! Although MKOP has been a huge pain in the ass over the last couple of months, there is one major positive to be taken from it. The fact that I have been introduced to the land of PL and the wonderful people who contribute to it. I look forward to a long and rewarding (not just finacially) time on here and hope to improve the friendships I currently have and gain some others. I'm beginning to ramble and have forgotten my train of thought since I first started writing this email. Guess that's a sign of old age! Oh well, best crack on with enjoying the last year of my 20's and will hopefully see many of you tonight, either on MKOP where I hope the banter is good (I'll be praying for no Chriswinsor) or SO...or maybe both! Will be watching the game tonight too....man, don't think I can handle all this multi-tasking in my fragile state!

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