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Hi I have just registered on the forum and would like to say a hello to everyone. I played on a couple of dollar up tournies on S.O and saw PL being mentioned a few :loon times. Anyway I've had a few views (great info)since and liked what I saw so thought I'd take the plunge. Hope to see you on the tables. Skellers:D

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Re: Newbie :) Wow, thanks for the welcome folks:ok Hmmm, SO challenge - love to play but I'm supposed to be boycotting SO over the last Tikkays Tounie fiasco - refused to give me a refund even though I know some got theirs;) Might climb down though.... Once again cheers and hope to get to know you better:)

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Re: Newbie

Hmmm' date=' SO challenge - love to play but I'm supposed to be boycotting SO over the last Tikkays Tounie fiasco - refused to give me a refund even though I know some got theirs;) [/quote'] Strange - I thought EVERYONE who asked (and didn't get in the money) had a refund ........ what reason did they give for not giving a refund?
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Re: Newbie Thanks to allfor welcome again:clap Got to Fancy - I should have called, but didn't. Sent multiple emails - they said it was sportsbook on my side that was problem. I kept pushing and eventually they sent a hand log. It read that I had won a number of hands over first hour. However, there was a thirty minute gap. They wouldn't listen so I gave up:wall

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Re: Newbie

Got to Fancy - I should have called' date=' but didn't. Sent multiple emails - they said it was sportsbook on my side that was problem. I kept pushing and eventually they sent a hand log. It read that I had won a number of hands over first hour. However, there was a thirty minute gap. They wouldn't listen so I gave up:wall[/quote'] Hmmm.....doesn't sound right ......... I am sure I also won a number of hands over the first hour - however that doesn't change the fact that I spent more time disconnected than connected....... Were you connected whilst everyone else was disconnected and taking the blinds? (in which case I could probably understand SO's position) - though if you were disconnected for 30 mins, that doesn't very reasonable.........
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Re: Newbie Hi GotaFancy: Were you connected whilst everyone else was disconnected and taking the blinds? (in which case I could probably understand SO's position) No definitely not. I was disconnected for full 30 minute period. I recall not lossing that much chips and I certainly didn't take advantage of others.

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Re: Newbie Skellers - I have been in contact with Sporting Odds about this, and they too are a little surprised that you didn't receive your refund ...... so they have immediately credited your account and are continuing to investigate. We don't know what went wrong yet (they responded 19 minutes after I sent the email :clap :clap) - however be aware that the "Poker Response" team who deal with most (all) Boss Media sites usually impliment things like this and there can sometimes be a breakdown in communication between "Poker Response" and the poker room concerned. However, a great customer response from Sporting Odds here in my view, following the initial failure - Thank You Sporting Odds :clap :clap :clap

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