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Parbet freerolls Thurs-Sunday


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There are some Parbet freerolls this week (Thursday-Sunday).Its $2000 tonight, 2500 Fri, 3000 Sat, 3500 Sun. I remember there was some hassle with these freerolls before, but I've had no problem registering for tonights one anyway (although I dont think i'm going to play TBH - might do the bigger prizes on Sat/Sun). EDIT: They start at 8pm each night. Tonights has 1300 entrants so far

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Re: Parbet freerolls Thurs-Sunday

How can u tell what poistion u are?
there's no leaderboard, it took me a while to realise. you'd think it would be compulsory to have a leaderboard. but i dont mind because i just came in 17th out of 1700+ for $50.:cow don't know how i managed it, my 88 beat JJ and A8 with trips, then right near the money this guy who'd just gone all-in with JJ went all-in again the next hand, and i had kings (easy call). and he turns over AA:eek i was doomed till i got a K on the flop, then just sat back for the money. would maybe have got further if i hadn't folded 44 before the flop came AA4, not unbeatable but probably would have won. defo be giving these another go over the weekend. cheers stonecoldnuts :ok i wouldn't have won it without you
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