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Any way to use email notification as standard?

Guest Bryter

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I was just wondering, I checked my user preferences, but could not find any option of having the email notification box checked by default. I would very much like this, as this function makes it easier to follow the topics you have participated in, and it would be convenient not to have to check it each time you post. Have I overlooked it, or is it not possible to check it by default?

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Guest Indigo Imac

Re: Any way to use email notification as standard? You will need to check it each time you use it, Sometimes you will find topics going "Off Topic" and you may regret having every reply as an email.

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Guest MultiMan

Re: Any way to use email notification as standard? It's a bad idea IMO. The notification is so slow. Better idea to get the screen to only show new posts and then stay on the main screen.

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