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Bad luck or bad play?


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I'd be interested in thoughts on how I played this. My thinking behind raising the pot was to try and finish the hand there and then... needless to say it didn't happen!! :$ 60/120 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (PL) (Tournament 20428223) - Thu Feb 23 17:07:57 EST 2006 Table Saddle Sore (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button Total number of players : 9 Seat 1: elabrad (1700) Seat 2: mbiz66 (3280) Seat 3: Flomue_ (3848) Seat 4: auntbee555 (1031) Seat 5: dalead555 (1394) Seat 6: Duke_Mantee (510) Seat 7: SNOOPRocc (1855) Seat 9: eskimoedie (3678) Seat 10: checkdanutz (2704) Flomue_ posts small blind (30) auntbee555 posts big blind (60) ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to elabrad [ 6c, 6h ] dalead555 calls (60) Duke_Mantee folds. SNOOPRocc calls (60) eskimoedie folds. checkdanutz calls (60) elabrad calls (60) mbiz66 calls (60) Flomue_ calls (30) auntbee555 checks. ** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, 6d, 2h ] Flomue_ checks. auntbee555 checks. dalead555 bets (60) SNOOPRocc folds. checkdanutz calls (60) elabrad raises (540) to 540 mbiz66 folds. Flomue_ calls (540) auntbee555 folds. dalead555 folds. checkdanutz folds. ** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3c ] Flomue_ bets (465) elabrad raises (930) to 930 Flomue_ raises (1337) to 1802 elabrad calls (170) elabrad is all-In. ** Dealing River ** : [ Js ] Creating Main Pot with $3820 with elabrad ** Summary ** Main Pot: 3820 | Side Pot 1: 702 Board: [ 9s 6d 2h 3c Js ] elabrad balance 0, lost 1700 [ 6c 6h ] [ three of a kind, sixes -- Js,9s,6c,6h,6d ] mbiz66 balance 3220, lost 60 (folded) Flomue_ balance 5968, bet 2402, collected 4522, net +2120 [ 9h 9c ] [ three of a kind, nines -- Js,9h,9c,9s,6d ] auntbee555 balance 971, lost 60 (folded) dalead555 balance 1274, lost 120 (folded) Duke_Mantee balance 510, didn't bet (folded) SNOOPRocc balance 1795, lost 60 (folded) eskimoedie balance 3678, didn't bet (folded) checkdanutz balance 2584, lost 120 (folded)

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Re: Bad luck or bad play? Not despicably bad play I think. There was no flush, but a chance due to flat calling pre-flop that someone could have limped with 87, and that concern would have lessened after the turn. I think you played the 66 only in the hope of seeing trips, and were just unfortunate that some one else was doing the same. My complaint would be after the turn, but that could depend on your opinion of Flombue, if your opinion of him was bluffing chip bully then that would explain your re raise, but other than that I would have sat there thinking, "I have 2pr beat, I see only a straight draw, and only 1 over card. He can't possibly have 99 can he?" :wall :wall :wall :wall

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Re: Bad luck or bad play? I had a situation yesterday when I had trips with only an overcard of a K on the flop. I bet really strongly, hoping to catch some one with 2 pr or at least a pair of kings, which I thought I did. The turn was an A and the river a J. As I'd bet so strongly I was confident I'd chased any drawers out of the pot, so on the river I went all in, confident that only a muppet could have chased the outside chance of a back door straight. Muppet 1 Valiant 0 :wall :wall :wall :wall :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

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Re: Bad luck or bad play?

if you've got a set and someone ha shigher' date=' you can almost always wave your chips goodbye[/quote'] Agree with that. Same thing happened to me last night on P4E. I had pocket 9's, flop was Q9x. Great I thought, hopefully someone has Qx. I bet strong, he called, I bet again after the turn and we ended up all in, only for him to turn over QQ.
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