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Mods upgraded

Guest OllieO

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Guest OllieO

All the mods are now moderating the whole board, having done such a great job on their respective forums. Spamers, trolls, and flamers have no place to hide. :)

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Guest OllieO

Re: Mods upgraded A troll is someone that comes on just to start arguments. Don't really have too much of a problem with them here, but some have appeared.

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Re: Mods upgraded Some call it arguments some call it a matter of opinion some call it debating. Personally when i disagree with someone's point of view i call it democracy but then again some people can't take other peoples opinions and then i call it self opinionated. Still not to worry trolls liven it up a bit ;)

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Guest OllieO

Re: Mods upgraded Personally when I post an opinion I make sure that it's consistent and not completely contradictory to an opinion that I've posted in another thread. When people do post contradictory opinions and then refuse to answer when that contradiction is pointed out to them I call it arrogant and cowardly. We can all play the snide double-sided comments game Hibrox, give it a rest.

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Re: Mods upgraded Laffz u really must lighten up a bit m8 Well at least my post had a light hearted wink beside it.


Personally when I post an opinion I make sure that it's consistent and not completely contradictory to an opinion that I've posted in another thread. When people do post contradictory opinions and then refuse to answer when that contradiction is pointed out to them I call it arrogant and cowardly

Well this is a matter of opinion,still opinions are good unless of course they are self opinionated then thats when the arrogance comes in. Still nice to see i'm your favourite pick upon subject :) Ps i thought by putting a light hearted wink (as you instruct people to do when posting certain comments) it would be taken in a light hearted manner but looks like anything i do just upsets you.

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