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Guest OllieO

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Guest OllieO

Pootertoonz has agreed to become a full board moderator, which I am most happy about. Of course, that means I'm looking for someone to help keep an eye on the British Football betting forum in particular. I've got a couple of people that I am going to ask, so hopefully we'll have a new one soon. I'm also thinking about getting a new mod for the Non-football betting forum - it's getting quite busy in there and I'd like someone to get used to the job before it's necessary, if you see what I mean.

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Guest OllieO

Re: Moderators Joe has agreed to take on the role of moderator of the British Football Betting forum. Thanks a lot and good luck :) . I will ask another person once I return from a brief "holiday" next week.

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Guest OllieO

Re: Moderators Arfster will help out with the Europe and Internationals forum :) . That's about all the moderators I'm going to have at the moment. It's a good team of good blokes, so I've got confidence in them doing the job well :) .

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