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Saturday 18th Feb Poker Night Live MTT

Guest gazza271

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Guest gazza271

Re: Saturday 18th Feb Poker Night Live MTT FFS out in 260th. On BB and dealt K2o, Flop comes K2? Raise a decent amount and put all in by someone holding A2 and he hits an A on the river:wall

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Re: Saturday 18th Feb Poker Night Live MTT

Do tell...............
I was big blind, no one called until the small blind, and he raised so I called thinking he might be bluffing, hoping to steal it back after the flop. (I had 6 9). Flop comes A Q 9 (i think), and then it all started to go wrong. I can't remember exactly what the sequence was, but I ended up all in and lost. :cry :wall :spank Nothing i've tried in the last few days has worked, no matter whether it was the right or wrong thing to do.
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Re: Saturday 18th Feb Poker Night Live MTT Just had QQ on my Big Blind, and I put a 5x BB raise in to scare em off and take the chips. I had one caller. Flop: Jc 5s Qc (the suits are irrelevant) I check the one caller bets 1/2 his stack, so I put him all in. He turns JQo. And I go up to 10k in chips. After he lost he stuck around to tell me I was lucky!!! :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

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Re: Saturday 18th Feb Poker Night Live MTT But this was the hand that gave me a very nice stack. Quite possibly the worst play ever (not by me, although I AM lucky)

** Game ID 691452821 starting - 2006-02-18 21:48:16 ** Poker Night Live:Table 18 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (100.00|200.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - karfax sitting in seat 1 with $1905.00 - filgaite973 sitting in seat 2 with $1840.00 - EXECUTI0NER sitting in seat 3 with $1880.00 - Stril sitting in seat 4 with $2382.50 - Valiant23 sitting in seat 5 with $2415.00 - CarterBTD sitting in seat 6 with $1785.00 [Dealer] - holly989 sitting in seat 7 with $1760.00 - cuepower sitting in seat 8 with $1520.00 holly989 posted the small blind - $50.00 cuepower posted the big blind - $100.00 ** Dealing card to Valiant23: Ace of Hearts, Jack of Hearts karfax folded filgaite973 folded EXECUTI0NER raised - $200.00 Stril raised - $400.00 Valiant23 called - $400.00 - perhaps I shouldn't have called, but I could afford to chance a lucky flop. I was quite prepared to drop it if the others got into a pissing contest CarterBTD folded holly989 folded cuepower folded EXECUTI0NER called - $400.00 ** Dealing the flop: 8 of Spades, 5 of Clubs, 2 of Spades EXECUTI0NER checked Stril bet - $500.00 - This bet I had him on AK or AQ, so I thought why not. Valiant23 called - $500.00 EXECUTI0NER called - $500.00 - When he called I KNEW I was behind. ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Clubs EXECUTI0NER checked Stril went all-in - $1482.50 Valiant23 went all-in - $1515.00 EXECUTI0NER went all-in - $980.00 EXECUTI0NER shows: Jack of Spades, 10 of Spades - WTF was he doing calling a re-raise, let alone betting before hand.:unsure Stril shows: King of Clubs, King of Spades :rollin :rollin :rollin ** Dealing the river: 6 of Diamonds Valiant23 wins $5790.00 from the main pot Valiant23 wins $6795.00 from side pot 1 End of game 691452821
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