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**Poker Friday 17th February**


**Poker Friday 17th February**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 19:00 Poker4Ever $400 Freeroll
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 21:00 Poker Night Live MTT
    • 23:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas Freeroll
    • 00:00 William Hill Freeroll
    • 01:00 Poker4Ever $400 Freeroll
    • 02:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas $1 + $1 Rebuy

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Re: **Poker Friday 17th February** GaF, the 2nd of the P4E freerolls (the 1am one) is only a $100 freeroll now I think. There is another daily $400 one there which begins at 3am :loon . As much as I'd love to enter the Poker Night Live tourney some muppet at Sky decided Luton/Reading would be a good game to show on a Friday night so I'm off to that! There is a $1000 freeroll at Dream Poker at 10pm though and a $320 freeroll at 32red at 11.30 if anyone's interested:ok. I should be back for both of those!

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Re: **Poker Friday 17th February** I know I don't like rebuys, but I do like money. Prima (Dream Poker, Bet 365, 32red etc) are holding a $19,000 guaranteed tourney for a $10+1 buy in. OK it is Unlimited rebuys and a 60 minute addon, but its $19k prize fund for $10. Registration starts at 1830 for a 2030 start. I am tempted...

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Friday 17th February**

I know I don't like rebuys, but I do like money. Prima (Dream Poker, Bet 365, 32red etc) are holding a $19,000 guaranteed tourney for a $10+1 buy in. OK it is Unlimited rebuys and a 60 minute addon, but its $19k prize fund for $10. Registration starts at 1830 for a 2030 start. I am tempted...
It is tempting BUT having just started to build my bankroll back up to a decent level i think i will pass and stick to the $3 and $5 STT's and MTT's at the moment. Doing well so far so will stick to this level for a while. Let us know if you go for it Mr V and will pop in and cheer you on
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Re: **Poker Friday 17th February**

I know I don't like rebuys, but I do like money. Prima (Dream Poker, Bet 365, 32red etc) are holding a $19,000 guaranteed tourney for a $10+1 buy in. OK it is Unlimited rebuys and a 60 minute addon, but its $19k prize fund for $10. Registration starts at 1830 for a 2030 start. I am tempted...
Thats the one I won as a virgin. It use to be 10k back then for 10+1. I wiil have a go too :tongue2.
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Re: **Poker Friday 17th February**

I'm off 2nite and 2morrow for the first time this year:nana so looking for the best freerolls to play in ' date=' any ideas lads[/quote'] Not a great night for (non raked hands) freerolls....... You have the William Hill at midnight - registration opens at 10pm, and it will fill in minutes ........ Do you play cash games? 50 raked hands at Poker4Ever before 11pm will get you in their $1000 freeroll - with about 200 entrants.....
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Re: **Poker Friday 17th February**

GaF, the 2nd of the P4E freerolls (the 1am one) is only a $100 freeroll now I think. There is another daily $400 one there which begins at 3am :loon . As much as I'd love to enter the Poker Night Live tourney some muppet at Sky decided Luton/Reading would be a good game to show on a Friday night so I'm off to that! There is a $1000 freeroll at Dream Poker at 10pm though and a $320 freeroll at 32red at 11.30 if anyone's interested:ok. I should be back for both of those!
Cheers Kev - have sorted the Poker4Ever times for the future :ok May take the $400 freerolls out - they don't represent such good value any more..... I need to add the Dream Poker later ..... will try not to forget :unsure NorthernRed - there you go - another freeroll - Dream Poker :ok
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Re: **Poker Friday 17th February** I've been put off by the rebuy element of the guaranteed thingy, but I have 2 others in my sights. 1 - The Poker Night Live on Prima that we've played before 2 - The $8000 Guaranteed on SO/Boss Media. $30 buy in (I know its a lot btw, but I'm being honest by admitting I'm considering it). At the moment there are 121 entrants which at the minute means SO are matching the buy ins. The prize fund won't be covered until it gets 242 entrants. If there are any more than 160 or so I'll give it a miss.

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Re: **Poker Friday 17th February** Needed a few raked hands for the P4E freeroll - so playing 3 tables - almost there and LBB sits down 2 places to my right...... have about 5 limpers round to me on the blinds - I had AJ (suited I think :unsure) - so decide to be aggressive - raise up 5x BB - 2 callers to BB, so he pretty much has the odds to call with his 33 ...... Flop comes 3JJ - FH for LBB and trip J with A kicker for me - I'm convinced that I'm leading ..... I raise ....... LBB reraises ..... I raise again ..... we end up all in (P4E has but in double usual - and we're both on maximum buy in!!!) ....... painful hand for me!!!! I didn't consider the 33 for a second :sad Should I have known he was on that? could I have got away? Anyway - gl LBB - use that massive stack to bully, dominate and wipe out!!! :ok :hope

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