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NordicBet $3500 Daily Raked Hands Freerolls


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Re: NordicBet $3500 Daily Raked Hands Freerolls 66 on the SB....... couple of callers and a short stack all in raiser before me (had me covered), but decided the time had come to take my chance ..... caller after me as well ...... opponents had A9 and A7 9 came on the turn :sad 6 on the river :nana :cow Up to 4435 :loon

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Re: NordicBet $3500 Daily Raked Hands Freerolls

66 on the SB....... couple of callers and a short stack all in raiser before me (had me covered), but decided the time had come to take my chance ..... caller after me as well ...... opponents had A9 and A7 9 came on the turn :sad 6 on the river :nana :cow Up to 4435 :loon
nice one mate :ok ul masterplan:sad
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Re: NordicBet $3500 Daily Raked Hands Freerolls Was going along quite nicely at 5700 or so until i'm in the SB with AT, it folds to the (slightly shortstacked - 2500, 400 blinds) button, who takes AN AGE to decide what to do, so i figure I'm going to challenge if he raises, reckoning on a steal, possibly a cold bluff... He does raise, all in, and I call him - he's got 77 and it holds up... So that buggers me up and leaves me looking for an all in... Ten hands later and it folds to the same guy on the button with me sitting on AK, he calls, I raise all in, BB folds and the guy calls me - with A9 ! FLOP HAS TWO (YES TWO!) NINES!!! I turned a K, but was too much to ask to river another one for the overfull... Out in 54th... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!! :drums p.s. Started qualifying for the next one already...

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