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Pitbull Poker


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Re: Pitbull Poker

Welcome "CHELSKIRED"' date=
spacer.gifimg_hostess1.gifMy name is Nadine Daniels and I have been assigned to be your Personal Poker Host.
:nana I dont care WHAT the site is like! JUST RING ME!:clap :ok
Sorry Chelskired, Nadine (we're on first name terms) is MY personal Poker Host. I got her first! :moon Sorry to all you other ladies out there who may have thought they were in, but you're gonna have to be shared with Nadine. ;)
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Re: Pitbull Poker

Yes I think so - the headline said so - just to stress though - I haven't been able to check up T&C - for the moment I've given up on the site - 4 out of 5 pages come up "this page cannot be found" - I have no problems anywhere else - why? and why just me?
I'll ask my new friend, Nadine:nana , when she calls me:hope , if you want mate;)
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Re: Pitbull Poker

Poor girl must wonder whats going on:( 2 Punters a week for ages, then a bloody INVASION:clap "PL, World Domination Tour 2006" T-Shirts available soon:ok
Like I said, I should be on commission. I think they've had to call in reinforcements to cover the amount of calls they're having to make. The poor girl on her own can't cope. :rollin
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Re: Pitbull Poker

Sorry Chelskired, Nadine (we're on first name terms) is MY personal Poker Host. I got her first! :moon Sorry to all you other ladies out there who may have thought they were in, but you're gonna have to be shared with Nadine. ;)
You can keep her mate.............................. My NEW, NEW friend Ericka Mendez is sorting me out:nana She said "We are very busy today, i dont understand it!";) Great find BTW mate:clap
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Re: Pitbull Poker Hmmm - looks like Erika is the only one in. I got her too as did Rednutt. :lol On another note, I asked if I would get anything for referring potentially so many people. She said only if I subscribe to the affiliate programme, i.e. set up a bonus code for PL'ers to use when registering. Unfortunatley, you already have a PL code as GaF said earlier - "punters". So no one would use mine. :wall :cry GaF - What payment plan have you gone for? And what will you do with the money? I would suggest a tourney on Pitbull. After all, the money came from them, the least we can do is show some gratitude and use their site.

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Re: Pitbull Poker

GaF - What payment plan have you gone for? And what will you do with the money? I would suggest a tourney on Pitbull.
Any funds raised from this will go into central PL coffers to be used for things like PL days (weekends!!) out. At the moment, Poker has not made any net contribution to PL funds - when it has, then I'll try and twist Pauls arm and see if we can get any (more!!) freebies specifically for the Poker section - just don't tell him ;)
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Re: Pitbull Poker Just received my phone call - no way was that Nadine!!!:cry 'He' said his name was 'Deranged' and he's only doing that job until a party of 'unsuspecting Brits' come across to his house in Copenhagen later in the year, supposedly for a game of poker with a good looking hostess. :unsure Is there enough people on this site to fill a table? He said there will be freerolls every hour from Tuesday - must be a dollar first prize. :ok

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Re: Pitbull Poker Yes, I was told that there will be freerolls every hour too. At the moment can't say whether that's the case or not, we'll have to wait and see. Anyway, I did say at the very beginning that there are't many people on the site at the moment, hence the reason the freerolls may be good value, even if the prize fund is very small.

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Re: Pitbull Poker

Any funds raised from this will go into central PL coffers to be used for things like PL days (weekends!!) out. At the moment' date=' Poker has not made any net contribution to PL funds - when it has, then I'll try and twist Pauls arm and see if we can get any (more!!) freebies specifically for the Poker section - just don't tell him ;)[/quote'] GaF - I was under the impression that if you've affiliated (which I assume you have as you've got a bonus code), then every time someone signs up you (PL) get something. Is that not the case? And what do you mean by 'net contribution'???
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Re: Pitbull Poker

Do I get commission for this. Tell a million friends!!!! After all, I've almost doubled their site traffic. Now that we have a few people reg'd, is anyone interested in this tourney I mentioned earlier? Obviously, I'll make sure it doesn't clash with the DU league games.
Thats why i told you to let GAF know. It all helps out the P/L See you got loads on it :ok Try myself now just got in from work.. Gaf if you read this is that link now set up for P/L :ok
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Re: Pitbull Poker :ok :ok

I know it's going to be late' date=' but I'm going to try playing the first freeroll on Pitbull at 2am. I wouldn't have thought it will last more than an hour with so few playing. Anyone else up for it, or is it a little too late? The game is NL Holdem.[/quote']:ok :ok see u there m8
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Re: Pitbull Poker

GaF - I was under the impression that if you've affiliated (which I assume you have as you've got a bonus code)' date=' then every time someone signs up you (PL) get something. Is that not the case? And what do you mean by 'net contribution'???[/quote'] Pro - you are quite right - PuntersLounge has "affiliated" with Pitbull Poker. This means that Punters Lounge will receive money from Pitbull every time certain conditions are met. As I said, I've had problems with their site, so have been unable to identify the exact conditions. I selected the "bounty", but honestly do not know whether this is dependant upon deposits or raked hands or other criteria. It is however no "secret" and the information is freely available to anyone on the Pitbull site. (when it works!! :loon) What do I mean by net contribution? Well, if I take Poker4Ever as an example - they don't do a "bounty", so it is a proportion of rakes that is paid - HOWEVER, the sign up bonuses are taken out of those fees due to be paid. When setting up Poker4Ever we had a choice of a number of "deals" - for example a $40 or $20 sign up bonus (have oversimplified a little) - we chose the maximum bonus for Punters Lounge members - the $40 bonus - this gets deducted from what Punters Lounge receives - the effect of this? At the moment, as reward for everyone who signed up through the PL link, Punters Lounge OWES Poker4Ever money!! Because PL members have been releasing their bonuses (at a greater rate than generating income for PL!!). Now it's not quite as bad as that because Poker4Ever don't send us an invoice - rather they just don't pay PL anything until this has been cleared...... So as I said - what happens to the funds generated by Poker? Well the "adopt a room" is a fairly recent project I've been working on and has as yet not generated any income for PL. So the Poker forum is, at the moment, net recipients (in terms of what it's members get) from the central PL coffers. All funds generated through the poker forum at the moment will therefore be put into the central coffers to offset this. Ultimately it will be spent on the software, hardware, web setup, etc costs involved in running PL, as well as rewards for PL members - such as the Sandown trip (I appreciate that might not be your "cup of tea" - but it was there and available for you to benefit from if you wished!!), or the trophies for competitions won .... etc. Hopefully this helps answer the points that you have raised? Now, I would like to go a bit further. I get the impression that you are pressing, feeling that you should be personally, and financially rewarded for having brought this to the attention of Punters Lounge? I am afraid that is not how PL works. Punters Lounge is a community in which members benefit from information shared throughout that comminity for the "greater good" - we can all search out our own information and keep it to ourselves, OR we can pool our information together - by pooling - we are ALL beneficiaries!! If we all keep our information to ourselves, we may benefit a little more from that specific information, but overall, we will all be losers as none of us could individually find all of the information that is shared on here. The free sharing of information on PL is therefore essential to the community and none (INCLUDING me) benefits individually and financially from the information, or affiliate links posted on the PL. Of course, most people here know full well that the links are affiliate links (and if they didn't, they sure do now!!). Everyone can choose individually whether they "click though" on a PL link or, for example a, Freeroll Army link - it makes no difference to them - it is for each individual to look at it, decide where they get the most value from, which community they wish to "support" and follow that link. If someone is more active with "Freeroll Army", then they SHOULD use the freeroll army link. If they are more active with PL, then I would suggest they should choose to use the PL link!! From your posts, it seems you chose to sign up with Freeroll Army - and that is your choice - that is fine, however I really cannot understand, or agree, that you should be rewarded personally and financially for anyone else who choses to sign up with and support PL!!!
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Re: Pitbull Poker

i'd be up for it but i have no phone so they cant verify me' date=' there any point signing up?[/quote'] You have no phone!!! It's 2006, thought everyone had a phone. Almost everyone has a mobile these days too. Then do as rednutt did... contact them via the live help. explain you don't have a phone and they will do it over the net.
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Re: Pitbull Poker

I get the impression that you are pressing' date=' feeling that you should be personally, and financially rewarded for having brought this to the attention of Punters Lounge?[/quote'] GaF - definitely not. Yes, it would have been nice, but it's no skin off my nose if I don't get anything. And with regards to signing up through FreerollArmy - that's because that is where I first saw it and reg'd that way. I then posted it on here so that hopefully others could benefit. If PL had had a post for it, I would have done it that way. I know there are very few players on the site at the moment (next to none!), but - and I don't know why - I see potential on this site. Lets see how it goes. Thanks for your help in setting this up... and I mean that.
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