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**Poker Sunday 12th February**


**Poker Sunday 12th February**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 & 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 14:00 William Hill £500
    • 17:00 Poker$Ever WPT or EPT freeroll
    • 19:00 PartyPoker $50k UK Freeroll
    • 19:00 & 01:00 Poker4Ever $400 Freeroll
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Sporting Odds Champions League Freeroll
    • 20:00 Betfred $1000 Winners Freeroll
    • 22:00 HoldemPoker WSOP Freeroll
    • 23:00 Poker4Ever $1000 Raked Hands Freeroll

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Re: **Poker Sunday 12th February**

I never play this so i might try and register ..................... but i'll probably get distracted and miss the 90 second registration window :lol
yep ........ lost track of time and was too slow ............................... if only i was as good at predicting football results :lol
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Re: **Poker Sunday 12th February** Just 332 in the Poker4Ever WPT and EWSOP freeroll - 200 raked points required.......if you're close, may be worth making sure you're in!!! If you're not, there's another next week!!! Prize fund is $9,400!!! Come on - lets get a PL'r at a major event!!!!!

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Re: **Poker Sunday 12th February** 450 of us just starting the $9400 (value) freeroll on Poker4Ever - are there really only 3 PL'rs in it? C'mon guys - get yourselves organised for next week!!! Only 200 Raked points - it isn't that much (and you get $40 when you get to 280!!)

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Re: **Poker Sunday 12th February** At the second break in the Poker4Ever freeroll, I'm in the last 100, with an above average stack!!! EPT here I come....... Can't believe how passive the tables are - is VERY difficult to get action ...... which has to be a good thing :ok

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Re: **Poker Sunday 12th February** I'm a victim of my own success again ...... ;) Trying to play 3 tables (posting during a break on one)... Am in the last 20 of SO Champions League (Sorry Pene :o) But better - last 286 in Party Poker, with an above average stack!!!! Starting to look a t the prize money now........

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Re: **Poker Sunday 12th February** I'm out of the TV in 66th place. Can someone tell me if I played this badly or if I was just unlucky please? I was shortish stacked and had AA so I raised to 2 1/2 times the BB. Called by 1 person. Flop comes K 10 3 so I then go all in for about 1500 and am called. Guy shows KQ. Turn is a 9 and then River is a J and I'm offski! Did I play it badly or was I just unlucky that he hit the 2 cards he needed?

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Re: **Poker Sunday 12th February**

I'm out of the TV in 66th place. Can someone tell me if I played this badly or if I was just unlucky please? I was shortish stacked and had AA so I raised to 2 1/2 times the BB. Called by 1 person. Flop comes K 10 3 so I then go all in for about 1500 and am called. Guy shows KQ. Turn is a 9 and then River is a J and I'm offski! Did I play it badly or was I just unlucky that he hit the 2 cards he needed?
You were very unlucky Kev!
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Re: **Poker Sunday 12th February**

Did I play it badly or was I just unlucky that he hit the 2 cards he needed?
I think you were just unlucky. Your chips went in when you were well ahead, and there's nothing you can do about that. I went out 50th. I raised with A 10 on the button, other guy who i'd bluffed out of a couple re-raised be (he'd already limped in). I figure he might be trying to get his own back, so I go all in. He calls and shows K J. Queen on the river, Ace on the turn, 10 on the river. Next hand I have Q 10 i think so raise, get called by one of the blinds. Flop is Q high, so I go all in. I get called, and i'm up against pocket kings. :eyes
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