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didn't need the river card ...but hey!


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Just had to share this with you...still pmsl On the button I called with 69 o/s. Chip leader raised pre-flop so I called. Flop was 69T so CL raised and I re-raised, which he called Turn card was another 9 so I've got FH 9's full of 6's. All in... He calls with 66 so I have better FH, and just to rub it in the river was another 9!!! First time I've ever hit 4 of a kind and it had to be with my favourite hand!!! Lovely stuff. PS I did get a shot of the table but being a dumbass, haven't worked out how to attach it to the thread! (Danny Cash you available to assist?)

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Re: didn't need the river card ...but hey! Nice on angel. I had something similar once many moons ago... A 10 player STT on betfair. I've got Q10 o/s. Flop comes QQ10. 4 of us in the pot before flop. I check as does 2nd player. 3rd person bets, 4th folds, i call and 2nd person folds. 4th card - Q. I check, other person bets big, I call. Last card... can't rememeber, but doesn't matter. I bet, he re-raises all-in, I call and show my 4 Q's. He never even had a pair. He must have been on drugs of some sort. :rollin

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Re: didn't need the river card ...but hey! Just played this 6pak (in fact still playing it)... s9dg.jpg Bet 300 before the flop and got called by seat 3. Checked on the flop, so did he. Bet 150 on the turn and he called, bet 250 on the river and he called. :rollin Damn - thought I'd got the pic after the river.

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Re: didn't need the river card ...but hey! Just remembered another one... Playing on Betfred I think, 6 player stt. I have J3 on BB. i think there are 4 callers of the BB and I check. Flop comes JJJ :nana First player goes all-in!!!! Tough decision, but I call. And then someone calls after me!!!!!! And not one of them even had a pocket pair! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Still can't believe the way some people play. You could possibly understand the first all-in, trying a bluff. But the 3rd one after i'd already called???? :lol

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Re: didn't need the river card ...but hey! Just had a hand. Sorry, forgot to get a screenshot. It's a 6pak and I get dealt K2 on BB. 4 in the pot. Flop comes KKK. Everyone checks. Next card 3. First player bets minimum of 30. I call, other 2 fold. River - Q. He bets 90. I raise to 250, he calls! What a wally! Now go and see the bad beat thread of what happened whilst I was writing this.

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Re: didn't need the river card ...but hey! I remember when Littlewoods had MTT freerolls every nite at 8pm. One time I was on a table with the chip leader, about 200k. I had just doubled up from him to about 25k when I hit AA, If I remember right, i limped in and he called. The flop was A A ? (can't remember). He the pushed all in, took me about a nonosecond to think about it and called. Next hand I got AA again, bet about 5k, he pushed all in again, won that and I suffered some abuse for while. I went from about 11k to 109k in 3 hands. Another good one was the time I had 2 2, flat called and the flop had a 2. A guy 2 seats away raised the bet and I called. The turn was a 2. This had given the guy 2 seats away a FH, all in he goes only to see my quad 2's. He told me he was going to cut out my liver and feed it to his dog. Oh the joys of poker.

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Re: didn't need the river card ...but hey! Wow - the 4 of a kind are coming thick and fast today. Unfortunately I didn't get the screenshot at the right time (a fraction of a second too late), but look at the chat box for the result. I got dealt AA. Someone before me rasied to 45. I re-raised to 150. Someone after me called and original raiser folded. Flop came with the other 2 A's. I bet he called. After the 4th, I bet, he called. After the river, I bet, he re-raised all-in. I folded... I mean called. The other player had QQ in hand. s7fr.jpg Would you believe rabmacnab made it to heads up where I took all his chips again... for a nice £45 win.

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