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Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00


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Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00

That's exactly what I was talking about. There's no way these people get to 15k in half an hour by playing tight. So next time' date=' that's what I'm doing. When I get to 15k, then I can relax.[/quote'] I don't think you want to pay too much attention to the chip-leaders after half an hour in a tournament like this. If you play like a maniac then you'll either do well or (more likely) do badly. For every 50 maniacs with big stacks after half an hour, there are probably 250 who have gone out. And the 50 won't have been playing any better than the 250; they'll just have had better luck. And there's no reason to think they'll still be ahead of the tighter players after 3 hours.
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Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00 Im still in , but this didn't help #Game No : 3542619306 ***** Hand History for Game 3542619306 ***** NL Texas Hold'em Trny:20110080 Level:9 Blinds (200/400) - Sunday, February 12, 17:02:56 EDT 2006 Table $50K UK and Ireland Freeroll(594177) Table #19 (Real Money) Seat 3 is the button Total number of players : 10 Seat 2: bazzer11 ( $8185 ) Seat 3: laidback1000 ( $14371 ) Seat 5: bladekev ( $10986 ) Seat 6: kevs006 ( $6493 ) Seat 8: Jaceace ( $17891 ) Seat 9: eyenowotugot ( $12474 ) Seat 10: Za_ph_od ( $5162 ) Seat 1: GARRYGIBSON ( $3337 ) Seat 7: jamiebn ( $14195 ) Seat 4: robinhooduk ( $16579 ) Trny:20110080 Level:9 Blinds (200/400) ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to laidback1000 [ Ac As ] jamiebn folds. Jaceace folds. eyenowotugot folds. Za_ph_od folds. GARRYGIBSON folds. bazzer11 folds. laidback1000 raises [800]. bladekev calls [600]. kevs006 calls [400]. ** Dealing Flop ** [ 6h, 9h, 5d ] bladekev checks. kevs006 checks. laidback1000 bets [2700]. bladekev folds. kevs006 is all-In [5693] laidback1000 calls [2993]. ** Dealing Turn ** [ 6s ] ** Dealing River ** [ Js ] laidback1000 shows [ Ac, As ] two pairs, aces and sixes. kevs006 shows [ 6c, 2s ] three of a kind, sixes. kevs006 wins 13786 chips from the main pot with three of a kind, sixes. :puke :puke :puke

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Guest gazza271

Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00 3rd break, still in but still no hands. Currently on just over 7k with average stack just under 10k:hope

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Guest gazza271

Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00 shitttttttttttttttttt down to 2.5k when my KKK got beaten by a 5 high straight, 10 left before the money, got to try and limp in:hope

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Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00 I was biggest stack on the table - and approaching the bubble - everyone else folded every time I bet - was able to almost double my stack ..... now we're past the bubble, need to calm down again.... ps.... 38k!!!!! :loon

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Guest gazza271

Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00 GL to all left in, I gotta go to bed now as up at 4.45 for work. Will check the thread before i leave in the morning and hopefully see some big money PL winners:hope

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