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Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00


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Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00 Out of everything. There is absolutely no incentive playing these freerolls when after half an hour of tight-ish play I have 2000 chips and the leaders are on 15,000. When I play these again I will be playing any old hands, so watch out, you could be my unlucky victim. Alternatively, I could be out pretty damn quick and do something much more worthwhile.

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Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00

Out of everything. There is absolutely no incentive playing these freerolls when after half an hour of tight-ish play I have 2000 chips and the leaders are on 15' date='000. When I play these again I will be playing any old hands, so watch out, you could be my unlucky victim. Alternatively, I could be out pretty damn quick and do something much more worthwhile.[/quote'] Looking at the payout is a little bit of an incentive ;)
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Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00 My software's fine but play seems so tight and if the blinds don't start to increase more quickly I will probably do something stupid. On the BB just had everyone fold for me to collect the blinds, no one was willing to put in 30 chips, that's only about 1/50 of the average stack. This is a typical illustration of how tight this tournament seems.

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Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00 out in 2 hands, flop a set of queens and try to get people off the pot, guy calls with open straight & flush draw, hits the flush. then hit top pair with k/9, flop 7 8 9, guy calls with q/10 and hits a queen ... so annoying!!! and now QQ gets busted by runner runner straight in the Bluesquare bankroll booster $150 down today ... not good!

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Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00

Well, I've started to play crap hands out of boredom and I've started to win hands. :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
That's exactly what I was talking about. There's no way these people get to 15k in half an hour by playing tight. So next time, that's what I'm doing. When I get to 15k, then I can relax.
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Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00 Still there at second break but not really progressing of late with 7897 chips. The chip leader on my table is called Whackerdub and he plays almost every hand, has called preflops raises with 4-2, J--6 etc but worse is managing to win them. Just waiting for the right cards

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Re: Party Poker $50,000 freeroll UK & Ireland residents only - SUN 12-2 19:00 Out in 426th :sad Made a stupid preflop raise to give away a lot of my chips, then had to go all in with A4 and got hammered by AJ. Just lost the patience at the end :eyes Good luck everyone who's left not far to go now :ok

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