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ways to play different software


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Re: ways to play different software Hmmm. I agree that there are different standards on different sites, so I think a decent all round game is the best way. Forget about bluffing too much on a new site and just find your feet. Play the cards in front of you and build upwards from there, I think.

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Re: ways to play different software Yes I find that when I "land" on a new site I tend to lose until I've been there for a few days and have been able to adjust my play ..... the standard, and style of play does seem to vary quite a lot between sites .... IMO Sporting Odds and P4E have the lowest standards I've seen (at micro limit cash tables) and Laddies and Poker Stars are the best (haven't played cash at poker stars - judging from the standard I've seen there in freerolls) - though I'm pleased to have sussed out how to make money at laddies (I think!!)

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Re: ways to play different software My experience is that you shouldnt try to bluff alot at micro cashgames and tourneys with a small buyin (some people are callingstations, which is nice when you do have a hand, hence why I dont recommend slowplaying)... When I do bluff I do it against 2-3 opponents at most and only if the texture of the flop is favourable (if the flop has two cards of the same suit or two cards to a straight etc your bets get called to the river most of the time. Of course, bluffing at the river knowing they didnt make their straight/flush is actually quite profitable!). :dude You should try playing the Sit n Goes on Prima, people play very loose! Pokerstars SnGs are a nightmare imo, as the players are too tight! My SnG theory is to play more hands than in a MTT, just not overdo it! Somehow this post seems a bit off topic :loon :lol

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Re: ways to play different software I don't view the standard at Prima as too bad (in comparison to SO and P4E) - but it is worse than laddies...... You are spot on - at micro limits - you have to play Tight Aggressive ...... I play in the region of 10% of hands, and then raise 5x BB as standard - it's shocking the number of callers I get - you keep going with pot size bets to the showdown, and they'll often stick with you.......just make sure you're winning.......

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