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Suggestion on playing this better so I don't get beat by the muppet?


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YES THIS IS A BAD BEAT POST LOL Damo Started: Mon Feb 06 19:13:20 2006

robilaruk is at seat 1 with 46.75 rob29 is at seat 2 with 31.93 passant is at seat 3 with 26.50 keys... is at seat 4 with 24.00 Bugaluggs is at seat 5 with 14.50 micha337 is at seat 6 with 16.22 NiemanDK is at seat 7 with 74.75 toñejo is at seat 8 with 45.25 Supaphil is at seat 9 with 9.29 ass187 is at seat 10 with 29.90 rob29 posts the large blind 0.50 robilaruk posts the small blind 0.25 robilaruk: Ad, As rob29: --, -- passant: --, -- keys...: --, -- Bugaluggs: --, -- micha337: --, -- NiemanDK: --, -- toñejo: --, -- Supaphil: --, -- ass187: --, -- Pre-flop: passant: Fold keys...: Fold Bugaluggs: Fold micha337: Call 0.50 NiemanDK: Raise 2.00 toñejo: Fold Supaphil: Call 2.00 ass187: Fold robilaruk: Raise 4.50 rob29: Fold micha337: Call 4.50 NiemanDK: Raise 12.00 Supaphil: Fold robilaruk: Raise 21.00 micha337: All in NiemanDK: All in robilaruk: All in Flop (Board: 3s, 10c, 8s):

Turn (Board: 3s, 10c, 8s, 2h): River (Board: 3s, 10c, 8s, 2h, 7d): Showdown: NiemanDK shows: Kc, Kh (a pair of Kings) robilaruk shows: Ad, As (a pair of Aces) Sidepot 2: robilaruk wins the pot of 58.56 with a pair of Aces micha337 shows: 9s, 6c (straight to the Ten) Mainpot: micha337 wins the pot of 51.16 with straight to the Ten (3.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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Re: Suggestion on playing this better so I don't get beat by the muppet? The only thing I'd have maybe done differently is make the initial raise for a bit more, since I don't want to be playing the board against that many people. But you got the reraise anyway (I'd want to play the whole table with AA if it was pre-flop all in), so really you got the perfect result, just a non-cooperative board.

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Re: Suggestion on playing this better so I don't get beat by the muppet? good point GW should have made it $6 at least - there was a real fish on the table (why I was on it - won $100 of him yesterday in about 40 mins :tongue2 ) who will call smallish raises (around $5 but no more) with bollocks and I wanted him in - unfortunately I ran into another fish who didn't understand that raise, reraise, reraise all in generally meant his 69off was shite.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA next time :) Damo :cheers

The only thing I'd have maybe done differently is make the initial raise for a bit more' date=' since I don't want to be playing the board against that many people. But you got the reraise anyway (I'd want to play the whole table with AA if it was pre-flop all in), so really you got the perfect result, just a non-cooperative board.[/quote']
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Re: Suggestion on playing this better so I don't get beat by the muppet? feck - don't tell me that - PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE coz I am currently $101 dollars to the good at the mo, playing only good cards that (apart from the AA earier) are standing up to the muppets :) Not bad for a couple of hours work on the 25c/50c tables :nana :nana Damo :cheers coz I am

best advice robilaruk.... don't play on sporting odds as it is always fixed to give the low hands the win
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Re: Suggestion on playing this better so I don't get beat by the muppet? and the fish returns the loan HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Damo :cheers robilaruk is at seat 1 with 125.91 Jofa123 is at seat 2 with 39.50 rosella1 is at seat 3 with 25.80 Esmerelda is at seat 4 with 51.25 kaukopart is at seat 5 with 43.35 micha337 is at seat 6 with 37.94 PITYO1 is at seat 7 with 45.00 pussy4ever is at seat 8 with 21.25 reisiluu is at seat 9 with 24.00 Bretonix is at seat 10 with 36.90 reisiluu posts the large blind 0.50 pussy4ever posts the small blind 0.25 pussy4ever: --, -- reisiluu: --, -- Bretonix: --, -- robilaruk: 9d, 9h Jofa123: --, -- rosella1: --, -- Esmerelda: --, -- kaukopart: --, -- micha337: --, -- PITYO1: --, -- Pre-flop: Bretonix: Call 0.50 robilaruk: Raise 2.00 Jofa123: Fold rosella1: Call 2.00 Esmerelda: Fold kaukopart: Fold micha337: Call 2.00 PITYO1: Fold pussy4ever: Call 2.00 reisiluu: Fold Bretonix: Call 2.00 Flop (Board: Ks, Kh, 9s): pussy4ever: Check Bretonix: Check robilaruk: Bet 5.00 rosella1: Fold micha337: Call 5.00 pussy4ever: Fold Bretonix: Fold Turn (Board: Ks, Kh, 9s, 5s): robilaruk: Bet 7.00 micha337: Call 7.00 River (Board: Ks, Kh, 9s, 5s, Js): robilaruk: All in micha337: All in Showdown: robilaruk shows: 9d, 9h (full house) micha337 shows: 6c, Kd (three of a kind, Kings) Mainpot: robilaruk wins the pot of 79.38 with full house (3.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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