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Blue Square Numpty's


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I can't believe this, not that it really matters to me this much but I think it's a bit of a joke. :@ I joined up with Blue Square today and deposited £150. After playing a few STT's my bankroll was £315 so just now I decided I wanted to withdraw £150 back to my bank account. Off to the cashier I go and type in '150' in the withdraw box, only to be told I can't withdraw it. :wall I questioned the support about this and apparently because of their fraud regulations they do not let you withdraw within 72 hours of every daily profit. :loon At first I thought they meant it only applied to new members for the first 72 hours since they joined up. But no it applies to every daily profit you make. :loon Now I would accept it if it was the first 72 hours since registration since this would give them enough time to do a checkup on my account details. But every day, that's just taking the biscuit. :@

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