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The Trophy Room


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Today I answered the door to the man from parcel force who handed me a large parcel. The return address was Mr Paul Ross. I am now the possessor of a magnificent and heavy trophy in the form of a brass hand holding a royal flush!!! The plaque at the bottom states : The Punterslounge.com Christmas Freeroll Champion. I will take it to work tonight and they can perform the official presentation. Thank you everyone for playing but most of all a massive thanks to Paul Ross. I don't know if you saw the trophy but it is brilliant! Thank you very much!!!:cheers :cheers :cheers Danno the chuffed!:cow

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Re: The Trophy Room he he he.........well i was playing sporting odds when it was delivered and while i was signing for it some hungarian nicked all my chips cos i was sat out....just back in time to see my final all in aa with aa on flop get beaten by the morons 68 landing a straight flush!!! damn sporting odds!!!* that do you tipper??? * these events are purely fictional and are not intended to represent any actual events** ** but sporting odds is fixed!

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