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I hate February


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I didn't have one losing day in the whole of January (I reckon I played 20/22 out of the 31), and now feb is here I have...... thank god there is only 28 days in this month Damo pissed off coz he made a muppet re-raise with JJ and ran into KK when he pushed back and I called.....:\ :$ :sad

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Re: I hate February Well my January was very boring ... didn't lose much but didn't win much either (think I came out ahead but not by much). Played relatively less than normal and my brain was definitely in holiday mood when I did play. I'm definitely convinced that.... 1. Booze kills your game 2. Having the sniffles kills your game 3. Any major distractions that stop you concentrating kills your game This is why one day robots will own the world :\ - they can avoid all the above. Moral: win all you can before metal mickey gets clever enough - I reckon we've got another 5 years before Poker robots will start to really bite into any potential profits.

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