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Lucky or unlucky 13 Favs system

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This is a system i was given in the 70s and as had some very good runs and some bad and this is very easy to follow and will give you a run for your money.The origanal idea was to use the principal jumps meeting of the day only but for this PAPER TRAIL i will use all the jump meetings to see how it goes.Each meeting will count as seperate bets and the most that can be lost at each one will be 13pts. You use the 1st three races only at each meeting. backing 1pt on the Fav in the 1st if lose 3pts in the 2nd if you lose 9pts in the third and you must STOP AT A WINNER AT ALL TIMES and it's as easy as that. This is for JUMPS MEETINGS ONLY and in know way used on the flat. If you can go a month with only three losing bets you should show a profit. If all three horses lose you start back at 1pt the next day.

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Re: Lucky or unlucky 13 Favs system This is an old system thats not mine but a few people on the forum like to have a bet every day so i thought this might be of some interest and lets see how it goes on.Their is only 8 weeks to the flat proper and will be putting a few up for the turf season. Being new to the forum i dont want to swamp it with my systems as there are many threads on hear with some realy good systems and ideas.At the end of March my 8yr old handicap system will be moth balled until OCT and i will put something up that should give a few more runners.

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Re: Lucky or unlucky 13 Favs system JUST A PAPER TRAIL AND IT MIGHT TURN OUT A LOAD OF C*** This is for Favs only and about 36% win over the jumps as for 2nd Favs i'm not sure and i said it had losing runs as well as winning ones in my first thread. You may be compleatly right and the origanal idea was to use only the principal meeting of the day and i can assure it as done well in the past using just 1 meeting. the reason i decided to use it at all meetings was just to see how it went on and a lot of racing as been called off. this is a paper trail until the end of Feb and then i will see what it throws up.

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Re: Lucky or unlucky 13 Favs system Hi all This morning have been doing some stats from the begining of 2006 and if i had started on Jan1st until yesterday their where 59 meetings and out of those 10 would have lost and 49 won useing the system as stated. After taking into consideration all the losses ( 10 x 13 = - 130 pts) their was still a profit from the 49 winning days 146pts therefore showing a profit of 16 pts. The basis for the system is trying to catch the Fav in the three races as out of the 59 races their where only 3 meetings that a Fav never won at least 1 race on the card. The main trouble is the SPs on the FAVS over the jumps and if you know for sure non at that meeting was going to be less than 1/2 use that meeting.With the overall strike rate for FAVs over the jumps being 36% approx you should not have many days when a FAV should win at least 1 race at the meeting the hard part is trying to find it in the three you pick or finding a staking plan that when you found the winner you regained your losses and also made a profit.

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Re: Lucky or unlucky 13 Favs system All went in today Profit/Loss for today +18.58pts Profit/Loss bank +65.06pts I know this may go tits up in the future but for a very simple system like this a +65pts winning bank since the 1st of Feb for very little outlay is not bad at all. Have been going through some results over last 3yrs and Jan and Feb have been ok. When it comes to March the stats show that the Favs in races 4,5,and 6 have done better than those in 1st 3 races and will see how the present system is at the end of Feb before making any changes. Have also been doing some reaserch for the turf season on similar lines but the selection method will be different to the present one. I said in the 1st thread that it as good and bad runs but in the past it as gone long periods without a loss when using the principal meeting of the day. I do think though it does better from Nov through to Feb. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy THE % MAN

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