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Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 7


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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 7

17 PL in the last 50 :ok We do consistently outperform the "straight line average" - as a group we know we're better than the average Dollar Up Player....... (is that good? :unsure)
thats great, cos it means as a poker forum, were stonger than the whole of Hungary!!! anyone playing the dollar up may be interested in the goal poker thread, as they are going to start a tourney just for us, with a prize too, ill keep u all informed as i hear
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 7

thats great, cos it means as a poker forum, were stonger than the whole of Hungary!!! anyone playing the dollar up may be interested in the goal poker thread, as they are going to start a tourney just for us, with a prize too, ill keep u all informed as i hear
n1 morl
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 7

17 PL in the last 50 :ok We do consistently outperform the "straight line average" - as a group we know we're better than the average Dollar Up Player....... (is that good? :unsure)
What do you mean by the straight line average?
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 7

Red - I had A 10 suited, but I'm not showin that lot.;) I don't have the chips.:sad
You do now! - nice one. Had a run of great cards but bad luck. Plummeted from 15k to OUT in about four hands. Last one to morlspin with his 72o - I've put a sticky reminder on my monitor about that one...my revenge will be soon...maybe not tomorrow...or next week...but it will come :moon Good luck to all left in, even you morlspin.:hope Red. PS I lied about the last bit.;)
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Guest gazza271

Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 7 gotta go to bed as up at 5 for work, will catch up in morning before i leave. want to see a PL victory:hope

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 7

You do now! - nice one. Had a run of great cards but bad luck. Plummeted from 15k to OUT in about four hands. Last one to morlspin with his 72o - I've put a sticky reminder on my monitor about that one...my revenge will be soon...maybe not tomorrow...or next week...but it will come :moon Good luck to all left in, even you morlspin.:hope Red. PS I lied about the last bit.;)
i tried scaring you off with the two 1600 raises, you werent havin any of it, laughed my socks off when the 7 hit on the river but.....sorry it was against another PLer, and even more sorry that it knocked you out, but as you said, revenge will come soon enough, next time you get 72 against me, will temptation kick in?
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 7

ty Gaf can you check my averages - I think it's counting the wrong best 4 scores. Really enjoyed tonight was a good laugh, thanks mr V GRRRRRRRRRRR....... ;)
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin Thanks kes. My luck was all used up earlier when I doubled through. Guyden tried a blind steal with A6o and I had A4s (monsters eh?), but I held the magic card to give me a 6 high straight. I had an awful nights cards until the last 30, and I had good cards on the Final Table, but the flops hated me. Like a stuck record, I know, but I LOVE playing these PL dominated tournies. :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap thanks for the entertainment. :ok
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 7

ty Gaf can you check my averages - I think it's counting the wrong best 4 scores. Really enjoyed tonight was a good laugh, thanks mr V GRRRRRRRRRRR....... ;)
Don't know what you're talking about Kes ;)
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