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This Made Me Laugh - BetFred For a Change!


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Just played in the Betfred $2.5k MTT satellite and qualified for the final.:D BUT... As I was well ahead I was clicking 'info' a lot, and saw something really strange. It was 1 place for every 5 entrants and as 31 entered it was giving 6 seats at a value of $5+50c. The prize for finishing on the bubble as shown in the box was either $28 or $34!!!! Well for a little while I considered committing hari kari, and then decided to ask live help who told me that it was in fact $1+10c and would be corrected before the end of the tourney!:loon Well the player in 8th went out and straight away 2 of the larger stacks went all in...It was THEN I decided to share what I knew. :lol :lol :lol Oh dear - 1 1/2 hrs wasted for one sap, but one of my easiest final tables ever. :rollin :rollin :rollin

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Re: This Made Me Laugh - BetFred For a Change! Nice one Valiant, but won't the players who went out on the bubble be able to contest the fact it said $28 or $34 when they went out and get that money off BetFred. I have just officially ended my term with BetFred. Although I made a nice little profit playing the STT's there, the last few days have really done my noggin in. Bad beat after bad beat, it got so bad that I was turning my back on the screen on a show-down even though I knew I was way out in front! :wall Anyway I decided it's time for a change, I'm off to create havoc in the BlueSq STT's. :dude

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