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my e mail to sporting odds


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just sent this e mail to my "mate" at sporting odds will let u know his reply if he does Trying to take part in the latest tv poker comp 7 out of 9 players on my table foreign the other brit mentions only uk residents can win, then its all in fiasco every hand no poker, pure luck, my mate who is a member of punters lounge .com says they have over 440 members who play SO most days and have their own in house tourney using your dollar up as a weekly comp say they are all considering boycotting your site cos of this and that they believe collusion between these foreigners who constantly chat in their language. it’s a shame they will do this cos they seem to like your site as do I but it does seem to be a lottery lately I know your site is becoming massive but please don’t forget about us who have been here from the start and have been loyal playing with your site<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Im not complaining (maybe a bit) but thought Id let you know how a lot of us poker addicts are feeling most of whom play several different sites so can be choosey

Best regards fenners

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Re: my e mail to sporting odds I stopped playing this tourney purely because I couldn't be bothered trying to wade through hundreds of people who wouldn't be eligible for the final anyway. I'll consider going back to it once these players can be filtered out. If Party Poker can do it I don't understand why Sporting Odds can't.

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Re: my e mail to sporting odds never did get a reply to my e mail but received this one today You are invited to play in a small $1000 freeroll tourney tomorrow night. The tournament will have a maximum of 35 players and prize pool will be paid out under normal tournament rules - if there are 35 players then the top 5 places will be in the money. If you wish to play in this tournament simply reply to this e-mail before 3pm tomorrow (Friday) and I will personally register your details. Regards, Joe Legge SportingOdds Poker not sure how you get an invitation but I see guesswhat is also registered I did play alot of raked hands last month nearly 3000 so that might have something to do with it

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Re: my e mail to sporting odds Not sure if Joe is your mate or not - but on a seperate note I've been on email to him since getting that invite, trying to persuade SO to introduce a rakeback scheme. I more or less dumped SO in favour of mermaid/fortune etc, who offer the same tables, but rakeback/monthly's. I assume that's also why I got an invite - anyways I told him that, and that they'd get a lot more business from me if they had a decent rakeback offer, I'd prefer to play there really because they have better UK banking. And for all we complain about SO they do actually have their own customer service at some point in the chain, other BM sites seem to use poker response exclusively. Anyway, alhough he certainly didn't commit to introducing something like that, he sounded pretty receptive to the idea, so fingers crossed something like that materialises. :hope

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