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Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support


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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support Eh.....but we've been doing that (at their request) before - I've sent literally dozens of emails - these emails were just ignored......... Give it a go.....but don't trust them to act.....

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support How about this?

Mr. Walton Thank you for taking the time to read my e-mail. However I'm not sure that the suggested solution will be effective. We have been pro active in the past pointing out the users who have abused Sporting odds poker, as I stated in my previous e-mail, yet despite me pointing this out AND the inadequacies of the current system you expect me to; "pass to our Customer Service department the nickname of any potential offenders. We will then review each case, where they are guilty of not abiding by the English language rule they will have their chat function closed and where they are guilty of collusion they will have their account locked." To seemingly quote directly from your t's & c's is quite poor to be honest. This not my first complaint, and I am well aware of the supposed procedure. It is the fact that these procedures are ignored either by your organisation or Boss Media that has caused the problem to escalate to this point now. I am extremely disappointed, as I expected the Head of Poker to be in a position to see the difference between someone who is angry about a single incident, and one who is at the end of his tether after being shown a decided lack of customer support from Customer Support. You haven't even had the decency to thank me for my vigilance, nor tell me that the action taken against the person (singular) responsible for opening the a/c's named "miszike1" to "miszike5" I am determined to get a conclusion satisfactory to not only myself, but my fellow forum members. Whether the conclusion is to see effective policing of your poker site from you or me (and my forum members) closing all accounts and taking our considerable volume of business elsewhere is dependant on your reaction to recent events - not future.
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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support To be honest - I think it shows a truely ridiculous attitute to practically ask for us to send more e-mails to them which I suspect will just be ignored again Great replies Val but I suspect that "you are pissing against the wind" :\:\

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support I know mate, but fcuk it. I have had enough. You know when you're sat with KK and get called when there's an A on the flop. You KNOW you've lost, but you'll jump anyway (I'm sure we've all been there) because you want to see it with your own eyes? I feel like that. I want them to admit either they've fcuked up and will sort it, or they've fcuked up and don't care. Even if I do keep my account open if it ever dries up I'm out of there.

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support

Even if I do keep my account open if it ever dries up I'm out of there.
The same applies for me too - will still play the safety but only as a complete idiot While I still have $27 in there to have a go at one or 2 Guarenteed tourneys and a few Dollar ups - If I dont win then I'll be confining the site to my "old" poker site folder
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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support How about we compose a form letter along the lines of "you asked us to email you with names of potential offenders ... well, **** has just failed to obey the English language rule". And then one evening a load of us play in the Safety Net with email ready to send ... every time ...

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support Slapdash - that's exactly what we did before!!!! (I still have the old "form" that Mr V posted - I spent weeks doing this - but I'd send them and never hear anything back, yet still see the same "offenders" time after time......

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support OK. A slightly different approach maybe ... Try to compile a list of *all* those speaking Hungarian one night in the Safety Net ... or just in the first half-hour ... and send the complete list to Ben Walton, just to point out the scale of the problem?

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support

If from now on you provide nicknames then action will be taken, please feel free to report any from recent events. Miszike has had his account closed.
And that was all. No "Mr Higgins", "Sir", no fcuk all. Now I AM pissed!!! :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support Hmmm....just had a quick look through entrants in tonights Safety Net - only the more obvious ones - there are plenty more that look suspicious........ $ Shade $ (Budapest) $ Shade07 (-) 500Sel (-) 600Sel (-) Coffos (Szekszaird) Coffos2 (Szekszaird) EtIpEk (Szekszaird) EtIpEk (-) Koci11 (Budapest) Koci66 (Budapest) Kocika (Budapest) Kocika1 (Budapest) Kokkatro (Miskolc) Kokkatro2 (Miskolc) MrDeath22 (Salgotarja..) MrDeath83 (Salgotarja..) Nem0ka (Veszp) Nemoka (Veszprem) Szeged00 (Szeged) Szeged11 (Szeged) Bambino11 (Swansea) Bambinoman (Swansea) csaboca4 (Unreadable - but same) csaboca5 (Unreadable - but same) gkaloczi1 (veszprem) gkaloczi2 (veszprem) gkaloczi3 (veszprem) Koci (Budapest) Koci67 (-) laszlo002 (salgotarjan) laszlo02 (salgotarjan) marwin31 (-) marwin4o (-) ozzy66 (swansea) ozzy88 (swansea) toonmac (-) toonmac1 (-) zsolot (-) zsolottt (-)

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support

Bambino11 (Swansea) Bambinoman (Swansea)
Why the cheating Hungarian cnut.....OH!!!! :$:$ well I logged in and played like a muppet and prompty blew out with Q,10 all in v Q,2 which has a 2 on flop - I will continue to do this as I could not be arsed to play proper poker there and will just be doing this to rile them and cause a case of "whats good for the goose....." Expect plenty of abuse but will have chat turned off so it wont bother me - apologies to any PL'er there but out of the interests of FAIR play , I wont Chip dump :D:D
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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support I have to say that SOdds did close a few accounts (or at least I can't find them anymore) from 2 lists I've sent them before Christmas (althought it doesn't change much, since my lists were even longer than Gaf?'s list and they've closed accounts from only 2 users:( ). Gaf?, you can add MrAtesz, MrLonley & MrRonaldo together with MrDeath, they all belong to the same person.

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